Struggle for Things Not to Say
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
“Cause all this talk of getting older, Just goes on and on”
-Don’t Play It Cool, The Thrills
It’s my last full day as a 24 year old, and quite frankly, I’m freaking out. Not necessarily in an bad, “Oh my God I’m so old” way (and no offence to those of you who are older), but in a “How do I top my last year?” Never mind the fact that I don’t even remember my birthday last year. So here’s to spending your birthday on a plane…
The good news is I have a legitimate research project for still images underway at work, so for once my daily tasks include something other than trips to the post office, the photocopier, and Starbucks. Of course, the only reason I’ve been assigned this research task is because there’s no money in the budget to hire an actual researcher. This is a better assignment than that time I had to research the current political and social climate in Nepal.
“I'm not tired, don't wanna go home”
And I joined Facebook despite the big speech I gave Cassandra about never joining Facebook or MySpace. It’s clearly going to be the end of me. So add me as a friend. My real friends can be my virtual friends as well.
And the world’s tallest man just got married. He’s having a good year: first he stuck his arms down the throats of dolphins to retrieve plastic from their stomachs and now this…it’s a banner year for him.
“you've only yourself to lose”
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
"Someone said they saw you, In the night and on your own"
-Someone Says, Editors
Post-tequila shots...
Monday, March 26, 2007
“And I will charm, I will slice, I will dazzle them with my witTonight make me unstoppable”
-The Prayer, Bloc Party
What’s with rainy Mondays? I’m so busy at work. Of course “busy” doesn’t necessarily translate across the board. “Busy” to me is another man’s “lazy.” Anyway…
Bloc Party ruled last night. Despite not being pumped at all for the show, they blew it away. Toronto crowds get a bad rap- which they sometimes deserve- for just standing around at shows, which is something I’ve witnessed many a time, but last night the crowd was top shelf. Sure, it helps with the underagers there who are excited to be out past their bedtime, but even from our prime location front and centre of the crowd, it was awesome. Lots of happy jumpy energy…and inflated condom balloons. But even with their arguable weak new album, they still pulled it off better live, and blew me away with “Banquet” early on and “Helicopter” as the show closer. And the ever-glorious Kevin Drew of BSS came on stage at one point to sing "So Here We Are". Eve and I looked at eachother and practically screamed, "Is that Kevin?!" So that's 2 concerts I've been at this year where I'v eseen members of BSS. Lovely!
Here’s a video (not mine) and I actually think it’s from the girl behind me who I elbowed in the face a few times.
“Lord, give me grace and dancing feet”
In other news, spent a fun weekend with the Mexican before she headed back to the homeland at 6am Sunday. We hit up the Dance Cave on Friday after drinking some ill-advised Raspberry Twist vodka I found at the apartment (never a good idea to drink things I find in my house) mixed with Kiwi Strawberry juice. At that point, even the infamous rum and Dr. Pepper was looking better. And for the most exciting news of the weekend…
“Standing on the packed dance floor”
Friday, March 23, 2007
"I'll walk this long road, 'Till I find my way home, To somewhere familiar"
-A Strange Education, The Cinematics
My reasons for not choosing the Matt Mays song: I hate him. I also hate Ben Harper, so it really was a toss-up.
Dance Cave tonight, a party/date with "Larry Mullen Jr (Jr)" tomorrow, and Bloc Party on Sunday. Good times.
We're actually introducing Cassandra to the Cave tonight. God love her, but she's a Top 40 clubber, so this should be interesting.
"The trouble is, nothing looks the same, The trouble is, I don't think it ever will"
Thursday, March 22, 2007
-Headlong, Queen
Our lottery attempt for We Will Rock You was met with mixed success.
After arriving to glare at our fellow lottery players, Cassandra’s name was called mid-way through the pack, leaving Dan and I standing in the cold. When I was down to only a single ticket and about 15 of us waiting outside, Dan and I figured for sure that my name would be called…and it was. After debating and offering the ticket to Dan, I went ahead and collected it. Not wanting to be left out, Dan walked over to the box office, spurred on by the encouragements of a random man egging him on to march in there and get himself a seat.

“She used to be a woman with a hot dog stand”
The show was fun, unabashedly cheesy, and full-on Canadian with references to everything from Zellers, Bryan Adams, and Maple Leaf Gardens (which for the most part works well, but

Nayeli the Mexican landed in Toronto Tuesday night, and although I have maybe seen her for only 15 minutes in total, tomorrow is reserved for the Dance Cave which was a must for the Mexican…which is great since I have fleeting memories of her goodbye party there, which is probably for the best.
“But there ain't no stopping no there's nothin' you can do”
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
“It ain't much I'm asking, I heard him say, Gotta find me a future move out of my way”
-I Want it All, Queen
Playlist results:
80's Life- The Good, the Bad, and the Queen
Fun Loving Nun- Of Montreal
(Don't Go Back to) Rockville- REM
LDN- Lily Allen
Flathead- The Fratellis
Didn't Mean to Break Our Love- Bella
Lovestoned- JT
Africa- Toto
Live Forever- Oasis
Citizens of Tomorrow- Tokyo Police Club
Of Montreal, REM, and Lily Allen all tied for 2nd with 7 votes apiece.
A 3 way tie for 6th place results in the older songs being booted, so wave goodbye to JT (Shane, don’t cry) and Toto has been put down.
Pitch commences….now!
“I gotta get me a game plan, gotta shake you to the ground”
I’m was wondering why I was still tired from the weekend. Then it hit me: I’m old.
I’m ready for naptime. And I’m so close to curling up on top of my desk or on the lime green office couch to get a little shut eye. C’mon, I’m working in production…everyone is relaxed, easy going and new-agey. With the Mexican fast approaching, I know that I won’t be sleeping much Wednesday through Sunday…and then of course, Bloc Party on Sunday which messes up my whole sleeping sched for the week before my British Invasion.
And, in a somewhat inebriated state on St. Paddy’s Day, it was decided that Scott, Cassandra, Dan and I will try for rush tickets to We Will Rock You tonight, since we have $20 dollar bills to give to the theatre. I’m all about supporting the arts this month, with theatrical events topping the number of concerts seen in a month, 3 to 2.
So a warning not to call me Monday and Tuesday next week as I’ll likely be asleep at 630pm, trying to make up for lost time and bank hours for London. You’d all be terribly disappointed if I fell asleep during Harry Potter’s nude scene on stage…
“Here's to the future for the dreams of youth”
Monday, March 19, 2007
“Take me to the place here the white boys dance, Take me to the place where they run and play”
-Where the White Boys Dance, The Killers
Oh St. Patrick, how I heart thee. Thanks for chasing those snakes out of Ireland, spawning the would-be holiday Whacking Day.
In an ode to the man, Eve, Cassandra, Scott, Dan, and Eve’s bro Jordan and I hit up The Local, our local Irish pub mid-afternoon to begin boozing and dining on succulent Irish stew and Shepherd’s Pie. Some Kilkenny’s and a few hours later, it was decided to attempt Irish Car Bombs in a salute to our Irishness (okay, so 3/6 of us have some technical Irish in us- I think- but everyone is Irish on St. Paddy’s day). Irish Car Bombs started out as a dare, spurred on by Jordan, led to a “I’ll do one if you do one…I’ll do one if Cassandra does one, and so on and so forth until we were all in agreement that the best possible thing to do was to drop shots of Kahula and Jameson into Guinness and guzzle it back.
“And the friendships from the whiskey to the keys”
At that point the merry trio of Jordan, Eve and Dan left for The Shins concert leaving Cassadnra, Scott, and I to our Bloor St. W Crub Pawl (or pub crawl in layman’s terms). First up was Whelan’s for pints, followed by a stop at Scott’s apartment for vodka and Jager shots and time to laugh at Mikey- the dog with a plastic cone around his head. From there, we added Scott’s cousin Ian and his cohorts, moving to Kiwi Kick, were, being unimpressed by the barkeep we decided to help ourselves to candle holders to teach the bar a lesson for its lack of ambiance and customers. And also to play the piano, change the TV channels to Titanic and play with the fireplace as we let out tequila rose shots settle.
Then it was the Yellow Griffin pub for Don Juan burgers, deep fried pickles, and large amounts of Oprah “And she DID!” impressions, even at one point converting our overused impressions into French (“Et elle fait!”). Since Cassandra and I were fresh from watching Borat that morning, Oprah impressions were sprinkled with Borat re-enactments and comments a la “vagines”, and “my retarded brother, Bilo.”
“I'm in an awful place"
Over at Shakey’s we met up with the Shins-goers, for more drinks until Scott got cut off. The thieving continued with a large score of salt and pepper shakers, menus, a sugar/sweet and lo holder complete with the sugars, to go with our cutlery, a glass from Ikea and a “Drinking during pregnancy causes harm to your baby”- Cassandra’s prize catch. We then ceremoniously taped the posters, coasters, menus, and cutlery to Carri’s door just so she wouldn’t feel left out about not partaking in our Crub Pawl. She was not impressed. Especially not by the decorative cutlery artwork we so skilfully arranged on the kitchen wall. Cassandra has pictures, which once I get my hands on them, will be used to illustrate the evening’s events, including everyone crashing on my various couches and futons.
All that aside, I wasn’t that drunk. Although not hungover, I’m never one to pass up Eggs Benedict, where our Crub Pawl continued in the am for breakfast and most notable, coffee.
“Hold on a minute, You're talking crazy”
After that I had a hot date. Maybe not in Eve’s terms of a hot date, but it did include the Green Room, Pan’s Labyrinth, and more beer and lasted 8 hours. But that’s what happens when I meet up with another Aries who works in film. And is a drummer like the OM.
And Dan wants you all to see this.
And surprisingly little U2 was heard.
“It's the calm before another storm”
Friday, March 16, 2007
"You're an old friend. We both know I could take you out"
-My Old Man, The Walkmen (Nat's new theme song??)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
"I ain't met a young lady that outdid her yet"
- Boom Boom, Britney Spears
I think the "Rachel Breakdown" Package would include:
- 2 for 1 entrance to the Dance Cave with free coatcheck on the "floor" section
- $25 HMV & H&M gift certificates
-1 bottle of Boone's sangria (may be substituted for orange pineapple flavour)
- 1 night's accomodation at a capsule hotel, with free "Enzo" pajammas
- 1 complimentary ride on the Bloor St. drunk bus (one-way only, valid after 2am)
- 1 deluxe poster of Peter Sarsgaard
- U2 "Best Of" compliation CD
"Might as well let the party begin"
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
"I start humming 'When Doves Cry,' can someone help me ?"
-Wednesday, Tori Amos (and yes, I am aware of the fact that I hate Tori Amos)
"I'm just sitting around being foolish when there is work to be done"
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
“So hold your head, and hold your tongue, But only say what you have to”
-If Only, Kooks
Playlist results:
Citizens of Tomorrow- Tokyo Police Club
Live Forever- Oasis
Flathead- The Fratellis
Africa- Toto
Lovestoned- JT
LDN- Lily Allen
Gimme Shelter- Rolling Stones
Storm Coming- Gnarls Barkley
Roscoe- Midlake
Song for Clay- Bloc Party
Toto just won’t go away.
LDN is hanging on by a thread.
And Bloc Party wins the least popular award (and also the concert I am least looking forward to in 2 weeks).
Now pitch, pitch, pitch.
“So here I go to see the world”
Monday, March 12, 2007
"Just stop, 'cause I really love you, Stop, I been thinkin' of you "
-Love Will Keep Us Together, The Captain & Tenille
Peter Sarsgaard makes it impossible for me not to love him.

And everyone go see Starter for 10...especailly if you are in the mood for The Cure. Or James McAvoy. Or trivia and a guy that slightly makes us think of Dirk. Isn't everyone in the mood for that combination all the time? The tagline of the film is, "The story of a smartass with a lot to learn".... which alone would sell this for me.
"Love, love will keep us together "
Friday, March 09, 2007
"Got numbers beyond what you can dial, Maybe it's because I'm so versatile"
-Intergalactic, Beastie Boys
"People always say my style is wild"
I had a dream about bears last night. Not “da Bears,” Carebears (or CareBEERS), or Barenaked Ladies, but actual black bears. There was one in my car a la Borat and the ice cream truck and I was terrifed. I threw a book at it and it chased me into a swimming pool, precisely the same swimming pool that we used to take lessons at in elementary school. Then I woke up. I probably only dreamed about bears since I have that Borat bear picture on my bedroom wall, and the fact that I was doing Borat impressions (and also Flavour Flav impressions, and impressions of our landlord David who sounds a lot like Borat) last night with Cassandra who loves bears and lost all her money playing bear slot machines at Fallsview Casino.
"If you try to knock me you'll get mocked"
That aside, I’m going to be drunk at the Dance Cave tonight. At least when I’m drunk I don’t sleep so bears won’t find their way into my dreams….which leaves plenty of room for Enzo. And yes, Shane, if I can, I will steal you a swatch of his jammies for your birthday present.
I also got a 0.16 cent raise! Party time! Excellent! What can I say, my boss appreciates my strong work ethic.
"To try to change the world- I will plot and scheme"
Thursday, March 08, 2007
“When you cut the lights out think of all the things you can't see”
-Lights, Scissor Sisters
Yay Scissor Sisters!
The show was good, although Lauren and I proved we’re too old to go out on a school night, as we stifled back yawns during a set by, I kid you not, Wigs on Sticks. Literally. Wigs on sticks. 3 of them. In a 60s girl group style. Random. And that was after the Toronto band Small Sins opened (who were really good, much better than their Myspace songs would lead you to believe).
I hate to say it, but Scissor Sisters were much better in Japan. There was much more new material this time around from “Ta-Dah!” instead of just a few samples of new tracks in Japan. I have also never been around so many gay men outside of a gay bar in my entire life. It was awesome. Not a waste of time by any means, I just thought that they would have been better indoors. Lots of energy, costumes, shirtless-ness, and interesting fact along the lines of Jake Shears losing his virginity in Toronto. Would I recommend you go see them, yes, without hesitation. Would I see them a 3rd time? …no. My pictures sucked, Lauren’s seemed good, so if she shares, I'll post them.
Speaking of seeing people a 3rd time, The Cribs are coming….It may be worth $15 for me to see them again at El Mocambo and will give me something other than Kaiser Chiefs to look forward to in April. Their new album is being produced by Alex Kapranos, and again, you know how I feel about Scotsmen…
“Nobody's callin' that payphone in your mind”
And it’s not my video, but here’s “Comfortably Numb” from last night:
Also worth checking out- courtesy of Mr. Ryan McNeil- is this Arcade Fire short involving the unlucky ones who did not get tickets to their show (…not that I have any idea how that feels).
I’ve also been totally lame in the uploading of concert videos. Here’s a sampling of Midlake in February at Lee’s Palace performing “young Bride”…although it’s so dark, you can’t even see them.
“The one you want the most will be the one that you defy”
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
“See our friends, see the sights, feel alright”
-Alright, Supergrass
Lauren and I are all set for Scissor Sisters tonight. If catching them front row at Fuji Rock this past summer is any indication, they’ll rock the Kool Haus.
So in honour of this- the beginning of the hardcore concert season- and with "Neon Bible" on heavy rotation, here’s my top 20 iPod list, post-transferring my music the my external hard-drive and thereby erasing all play counts.
From top to bottom:
Ruby- Kaiser Chiefs
Ooh La- The Kooks
Your Diary- Franz Ferdinand
DARE- Gorillaz
Young Bride- Midlake
Flathead- The Fratellis
Start Wearing Purple- Gogol Bordello
Can’t Get You Out of My Head- Kylie Minogue
Slow Hands- Interpol
Tear You Apart- She Wants revenge
La Breeze- Simian
Rock the Casbah- The Clash
Lost in the Plot- The Dears
Mostly Waving- Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton
Somebody Told Me- The Killers
Hometown Blues- The Rifles
Crazy- Gnarls Barkley
LDN- Lily Allen
Neighbourhood #2- Arcade Fire
Out of Control- U2
This playlist is so plain. I have 3083 songs and this is all I can come up with to listen to the most.
“We wake up, we go out, smoke a fag, Put it out"
Speaking of "Neon Bible," even my boss came into the room and said, “Oooh, is this the new Arcade Fire?” and then marvelled at my portable iPod speakers, saying, “I didn’t know you liked the Arcade Fire. I thought you loved music for old people… like U2.” I think I actually gasped.
“Lost control, hit a wall, But we're alright”
And I am hereby pitching:
Flathead- The Fratellis.
As you can see, it scores high on my playlist. I believe it will be shortly ruined by the proliferation of the iPod commercial in which is resides. Since iPods commercials practically play on every commercial break one very channel, you’ve already heard this song a number of times. Its pretty much like anything else in my most played songs list: its catchy, it’s danceable, and is perfectly suited for the Cave. And they’re Scottish. We all know how I feel about Scottish men.
“But we are young, we get by”
Monday, March 05, 2007
“Seems that I was busy doing something close to nothing, But different than the day before”
-Raspberry Beret, Prince
Bob Geldof be damned, I actually don’t mind Mondays.
Aside from dragging myself out of bed and wandering the house in a daze for about 20 minutes, tripping over the cat, the stacks of CDs or DVDs I left on my floor (alphabetically or thematically arranged), and looking for something to eat other than gummi worms, Mondays always end up being productive for me,
I also get to look forward to my work email inbox which usually contains about 230 new emails, of which 224 are junk mail offering me Viagra, stock options, an African child, and/or telling me I won the lottery. My personal email inbox is also a delight with Yahoo sending me updated news which is already out of date, my best matches via their personals site (shudder…the men all like “romantic movies, sunsets, and a good wine”…these are my nightmares) and the delightful emails decrying that they have found me my dream job. It’s usually Autocad designer. Or Business Funding Analyst. It’s just as inaccurate as the personals, given that I don’t know my times tables and am not qualified to analyze anything beyond David Fincher films and Bono’s hairline. My disastrous experience in grade 9 tech should also be noted in which I couldn’t figure out how to work Autocad, which is also the same class in which I broke the scroll saw and screamed. I was an awesome student.
“I said now, overcast days never turned me on”
Speaking of David Fincher, the man offers me nothing but heartbreak and disappointment. I went to see Zodiac, despite the presence of Mark Ruffalo (to whom I have an irrational hatred toward) and Jerk Gyllenhall (whom I have a rational hatred towards). Dan and I surmised the film with a, “Well, it was better than The Number 23.” And far too long. It's get a "meh." And none too Fincher-y. To add insult to injury, Panic Room was also on TV last night. Thank God Carri and I opted to dig out my horribly dusty VHS copy of Young Guns II and give it a go. Clearly the best film I watched all weekend. As if the day couldn't get any better, we followed it up with a Nintendo 64 challenge.
Eve is moved in now, occupying my former (warmer) bedroom. It’ll be nice to be able to bring someone home from the Cave who’s not Eve now, since her oft-occupied place in my bed for sleeping off drunken nights will be vacant. Then again, if Enzo the pajamma man is the only eligible bachelor at the Cave, I’d rather be sleeping alone.
“He told me several times that he didn't like my kind”
I’ve also become obsessed with the BBC show, “Extras.” Totally biased because I love Ricky Gervais (of the far superior version of “The Office”) but I’m loving it the Oprah loves herself. I fnayone hasn’t seen it, it’s basically a show about extras on sets who often interact with celebrities who appear in cameos. The funniest ones I have seen are David Bowie, Orlando Bloom, and Ian McKellen. And for your viewing pleasure, my absolute favourites featuring my girlfriend Kate Winslet as a nun:
And Daniel Radcliffe who tires to pick up women on set…which also features Warwick Davis, the dwarf from Willow getting kicked in the face. Genious:
Apparently I need to tell you to pitch songs, so go for it.
“Thunder drowns out what the lightning sees”
Thursday, March 01, 2007
“Spirit of the rising sun lift me up, Hold me there and never let me fall”
-Three Sunrises, U2
You would never recognize Sarah Polley if you bumped into her on the street.
She came to my film marketing class at Ryerson last night after we had screened her new film, Away from Her which marks her directorial debut. She’s short, relatively unkempt in the hair bushing and no makeup department (like I should have any say when it comes to not brushing one’s hair), but she’s very well-spoken and often funny. She just seemed really down to earth and casual, and really cares about her film.

The film was good, although not my usual cup of tea, I did enjoy it. Julie Christie, Gordon Pinsent, and Olympia Dukakis star in it. I am in love with Gordon Pinsent. That’s right, I have a crush on a man in his 70s. Not really, but for all intensive purposes he rocked. I asked Sarah about casting in which she delighted the class by calling Christopher Plummer a jerk and said that the reason he turned down the part Sarah had originally written for Gordon was because, in the words of Christopher Plummer, “Julie Christie can’t act.” It was fun to hear all the behind the scenes casting for what could have been. It should also be pointed out that Sarah narrated a Bruce Cockburn doc my company produced, which is as boring as it sounds.
In other rad news, I totally swept the class Oscar pool. I’m awesome. I not only won, I won by over 20 points. Eve came in a respectable 4th place. Along with my bragging rights for giving a beat down to a class of film nerds, go the spoils: 5 DVDs from Capri films where our instructor works. The “sweet” titles include: Darwin’s Nightmare, The Japanese Story, Walk on Water, Tideland and something else that I had never heard of. Wow. I must be the only person who owns their own copy of Tideland since no one bought and/or enjoyed this awful film. Poor Terry Gilliam. I’ll put it next to 12 Monkeys to make it feel better.
“I would give you everything”