Friday, March 09, 2007

"Got numbers beyond what you can dial, Maybe it's because I'm so versatile"

-Intergalactic, Beastie Boys

Dr. Funke's 100% Natural Good Time Family Band Solution says vote for 6:
Live Forever- Oasis
Africa- Toto
Lovestoned- JT
Gimme Shelter- Rolling Stones
LDN- Lily Allen
Roscoe- Midlake
Flathead- Fratellis
Citizens of Tomorrow- Tokyo Police Club
Storm Coming- Gnarls Barkley
Song for Clay- Bloc Party free polls

"People always say my style is wild"

I had a dream about bears last night. Not “da Bears,” Carebears (or CareBEERS), or Barenaked Ladies, but actual black bears. There was one in my car a la Borat and the ice cream truck and I was terrifed. I threw a book at it and it chased me into a swimming pool, precisely the same swimming pool that we used to take lessons at in elementary school. Then I woke up. I probably only dreamed about bears since I have that Borat bear picture on my bedroom wall, and the fact that I was doing Borat impressions (and also Flavour Flav impressions, and impressions of our landlord David who sounds a lot like Borat) last night with Cassandra who loves bears and lost all her money playing bear slot machines at Fallsview Casino.

"If you try to knock me you'll get mocked"

That aside, I’m going to be drunk at the Dance Cave tonight. At least when I’m drunk I don’t sleep so bears won’t find their way into my dreams….which leaves plenty of room for Enzo. And yes, Shane, if I can, I will steal you a swatch of his jammies for your birthday present.
I also got a 0.16 cent raise! Party time! Excellent! What can I say, my boss appreciates my strong work ethic.

"To try to change the world- I will plot and scheme"


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