“Now it cuts like a knife, But it feels so right”
-Cuts Like A Knife, Bryan Adams
I was standing on Roncesvalles staring at a church and pondering why it was so busy at 845am. Then it hit me. It’s Ash Wednesday. The Good Catholic I am and all. I did remember this item last night when I discovered it was Pancake Tuesday, but I used that as more of an excuse just to eat pancakes for dinner. I do love pancakes.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I was in a church for religious purposes, as opposed to sightseeing in foreign locales. I believe the year was 2001 when we had a “spiritual retreat” at a church in high school, which was really just an excuse to show up out of our Catholic School uniforms and eat at McDonalds. Come to think of it, I think I ditched church early and went to the mall.
“This wouldn't be the first time, Things have gone astray”
That being said, it is Lent. There were the years I gave up chocolate and popcorn…even though I don’t eat either. Someone once suggested I should give up being me and pretend that I’m nice. Old men tell me that I look like a “nice girl” when they sit next to me on the streetcar. Clearly, they don’t know any better. I could give up movies, but we all know I would only last a day. Technically I’ve given up the Dance Cave for over 40 days pre-Lent. That has to count for something. I also find it impossible to stop randomly obsessing over things. I think I’ll give up slacking off for most of the workday and actually commit to working. I don’t have to work hard, I’ll just make more of an effort to appear busy. Like right now it looks like I am working on an important document instead of this blog. Making lists looks like I’m working. That’ll do.
Maybe it’s time to give up being such a jerk and stop mocking Catholicism. I can't picture myself not being a jerk.
“Can't you see we did the best we could”
Today’s Ash-Wednesday filled Playlist includes (but also fundamentally excludes songs by Ash):
Standing in the Way of Control- Gossip
Cheshire Cat Smile- Milburn
I Fought the Law- The Clash
Message in a Bottle- The Police
Funkytown- Lipps Inc.
“I coulda sworn we had it all worked out”
yeah, i have some buried Anglican-fueled Lenten resoution thoughts myself...like, i'm giving up President's Choice Blue Menu products. yeah, right, and you're giving up mocking Catholicism.
i've finally settled on my pitch for the playlist this week: "Magic Bus" by the Who. This is a very me-centred selection, but here's my logic: the new St. Clair steetcar right-of-way has finally started running, thus expediating my homeward commute significantly. and, if we're talking "all time", McNeil Sr., the Who are a classic all time band (though a Tommy selection or perhaps Baba O'Reilly might be a more mainstream choice). now, i'm not advocating that "Magic Bus" itself be identified as all time, but i thought i'd give my props to that "other" British band often used in oscar-worthy films (c.f. "Rushmore", "American Beauty").
i'm done. can you tell i'm teaching English this semester? we just started effective paragraph writing. boo yah.
My pitching talents were recently criticized in a personal email.
I refer all concerned to Rachel's previous post (Tues. Feb. 20, 2007 - "Hey Now - Oasis"), for a complete reasoning behind why it would in fact be criminal to deny Justin Timberlake inclusion on this week's playlist.
I once tried to give up talking in class for Lent. I think everyone knows how that panned out.
Last year I gave up 'living in Canada'... this year I shall reprise this impressive feat.
Hey, just to let you know - my playlist is up for the voting on my blog.
justy-tims' (not to be confused with justy-sims, a funny nickname some friends had for my ex justin, but i digress) exclusion would be a travesty, and it would reflect poorly on all of us. bonus points if you can name the film i'm ripping off.
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