“I hitched a ride with my soul, By the side of the road, Just as the sky turned black”
-hey Now, Oasis
Ok, since we are at a dead heat in terms of a three-way tie, I’m just going to randomly going to pick my favourite. Yeah, I know, this dictatorship sucks. For you.
I present, the Top 10 o’ the Week, with the bottom 4 leaving the list for this week’s voting.
Ice Age- Hawksley Workman
Africa- Toto
Roscoe- Midlake
Ruby- Kaiser Chiefs
All My Friends- LCD Soundsystem
LDN- Lily Allen
Snow Song- Habitat
The Well and the Lighthouse- Arcade Fire
No Tomorrow- Orson
Hospital Beds- Cold War Kids
Arcade, Lily, and Habitat were tied. I guess in the future, if there are ties, the song that's been on the longest will be removed. Start pitching…now.
PS> Apologies to Ryan: I only show up on your blog on odd days…when do you have your song poll up?
“I thought that I heard someone say now, There's no time for running away now”
And now, because I lead a fascinating personal life…
I had a crazy allergic reaction to penicillin I was taking following my root canal. Turns out, I’m allergic and it just took 5 days for my body to realize it. I originally thought I was having an allergic reaction to Dufferin mall where I had ventured for the first time on Saturday. If you’ve been to the mall, you’ll know why I thought I was breaking out in Dufferin-related hives.
Allergic reaction or not, I still went out drinking to Grace O’Malleys before I went to the pharmacy. The pharmacist handed me antihistamines and suggested, “Whatever you do, don’t go to sleep…you could choke on your tongue and go into anaphylactic shock.” Mildly paranoid, I decided it was in everyone’s best interest if I sat on the couch and watched movies starring Jake Weber in the living room where if it looked like I was falling asleep, someone could poke me with a stick to keep me awake.
Either way, I’m still mildly spotty and itchy, but at least I’m only looking at a 4 day “work” week now.
Highlights from the weekend include scoring Police tickets which goes against my policy to cut back on concerts, but if I bought my mom Killers tickets for Mother’s day, Dad needs Police tickets for Father’s day.
Screw Las Vegas- I’m going to London for my birthday. London, England. And I already have tickets to see “Equus” on stage starring Mr. Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe. Whatever. He’s almost 18.

“You might never know, That I want you to know, What is written inside of your head”
And you should all be worried because-no word of a lie- my horoscope for the month said “Your Oscar predictions are alarmingly accurate.” Be afraid. Be very afraid. And I bet you wish you were all Aries now.
“I never did find my way back”
And you should all be worried because-no word of a lie- my horoscope for the month said “Your Oscar predictions are alarmingly accurate.” Be afraid. Be very afraid. And I bet you wish you were all Aries now.
“I never did find my way back”
A: My poll goes up Thursday mornings and stays open until Sunday night. Missed your vote/pitch this week, but I'm sure you'll get in on the next one.
B: I'm gonna make my "All-time" pitch this week. My call for best picture is THE DEPARTED, and as such I want to pitch the tune that kicks the whole thing off - "Gimme Shelter" by The Stones. It's one of my all-time Top 5 songs.
Scorsese has used it before - twice i think - but it still gets that amazing movie off to a killer start.
So while it may be the obvious choice, in the spirit of Oscar it's my pitch for the week.
We now go to Shane McNeil for a session of fraternal mockery.
i'm not ready to pitch yet, i still need to some soul-searching.
go hawk.
and congrats on the london thing. mmmmm equus.
'My Poll goes up Thursday mornings'... that's funny, my pole goes up on Thursday nights, or when the breeze is JUST right.
Yes, you're welcome.
"Lovestoned" by JT.
I bet you thought I was joking about the exculsively JT rule... I think I'll settle for only pitching JT until one gets onto the list.
Hey Rache, I guess your penicillin allergy means you're fucked if you ever get syphillis... again?
Oh well, hopefully your 'alarmingly accurate' predictions can bring us something as bautiful as 'Academy Award Winner Marky Mark Wahlberg'. BOOK IT!
"Live Forever"- Oasis.
I am a closet Oasis fan and if "Live Forever" can top a (highly suspect) poll of the Greatest Songs of All Time, how will it fare on our playlist? Its awesomely 90s and a sign of the times...how the mighty Oasis have fallen.
Shane, no one is getting syphillis unless you're handing it out. If you want your boyfriend on the list, you'll have to pitch better than that. JT demands satisfatcion.
Since my effort was called into question, the intellectual approach it is.
Justin Timberlake is a beacon of our current modern culture. Much in the way people associate Microsoft with the mid-90s, Neon with the late 80s/early 90s, or wood panelling with the 70s, so will Timberlake be associated with the mid 2000s.
He represents everything we want to be as a society: talented, multi-faceted, self-re-inventing, successful, and above all- sexy. He's so sexy that HE HIMSELF brought it back from its imposed exile in the hands of the likes of David Hasselhoff and Mario Lopez (look him up if you don't get it).
One day there will be statues of JT on the main drag in Memphis, TN. There will be JT, sitting at his piano in the throngs of 'Cry Me a River' whilst Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley admire beside and try to do harmony lines.
JT had transcended the popular culture of our time. What do Britney Spears, Mickey Mouse, McDonald's and the Super Bowl all have in common? J.T.
As if all these accolades (on top of millions of dollars, platinum records and numerous awards statuettes) weren't enough. His career would have no better crowning achievement than a chance to compete in Rachel's weekly playlist.
Friends, how can we deny him this acclaim? Our playlist without JT is like the Oscars without a cut-away to a clapping Mickey Rooney in the crowd (just to prove he's not dead). Could we live with ourselves being the sole element preventing JT's career from being fully realized?
I don't think we can.
Hence, for these resons, and for the simple fact that it's one of the year's catchiest songs and an important social critique ('She's got me Lovestoned and I think that she KNOWS'... wow, powerful. Female advancement has merely hiccupped before JT joined the fight), I submit, humbly, for inclusion...
'Lovestoned' by Justin Timberlake off his critically lauded and million selling smash album FUTURESEX/LOVESOUNDS.
Thank you, and pleasant tomorrow.
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