"It's Cinco De Mayo, Let's Party On The Patio! Like They Do In Mexico."
-I don't know this song but found these awesome lyrics here
Oh mi dios. Cinqo de Mayo is one for the books, offering the unexpected and lots of hilarity.

I’ve also come to realize that the more I drink, the longer it takes me to recover from the aftermath. Shouts of “I’m flexible” and contorted dance poses on Friday still have my thighs aching on Monday, not to mention the almost comatose state I was in yesterday due to less than 4 hours of sleep, a can of XL energy drink, G&Ts and brownies, and sips of tequilia, which saw me passing out mid-afternoon and waking up with my glasses crooked, the cat on my hip, and a piece of paper stuck to my face.

I’ve also come to realize that the more I drink, the longer it takes me to recover from the aftermath. Shouts of “I’m flexible” and contorted dance poses on Friday still have my thighs aching on Monday, not to mention the almost comatose state I was in yesterday due to less than 4 hours of sleep, a can of XL energy drink, G&Ts and brownies, and sips of tequilia, which saw me passing out mid-afternoon and waking up with my glasses crooked, the cat on my hip, and a piece of paper stuck to my face.

Broken down into point form to better jog the memory, highlights include:
- Natalie smacking a dude’s bare chest with an open hand
- Being doused in beer from a fight that broke out on the dance floor (I have never been so grimy, filthy, hot, beer-soaked, and overall disgusting as I have been circa 7am after no sleep)

- Navigating between porn on TV and reruns of “Will & grace” which I am still confused over
- Finally meeting Nat’s friend Jolene who is clearly my twin in terms of her hatred for babies and people

- Dirk further cementing his status as both a babe and a catch
- Awesome karaoke renditions by the brothers McNeil an Lauren, and the off-key screaming that was Cassandra and I doing out best Bon Jovi impression complete with dance moves

- Dozens of unflattering pictures of everyone

- Having all my hermanos and brosefs together for the first time in over a year: priceless.

Playlist o' the Day to recover from el weekend (and to kick off concert week):
If It Makes You Happy- Sheryl Crow
Recover- The Automatic
When You Were Young- The Killers
Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own- U2 (live on SNL)
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother- the Hollies
"Cinco De Mayo. Partido En El Patio!"
"Awesome karaoke renditions"...and Soul Man isn't even one of my best songs!
...but you did get to do it twice...
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