"Someone said they saw you, In the night and on your own"
-Someone Says, Editors
What Quebec election? The real results you care about are in:
Happy Together- The Turtles
80's Life- The Good, the Bad, and the Queen
Fun Loving Nun- Of Montreal
Flathead- The Fratellis
LDN- Lily Allen
(Don't Go Back to) Rockville- REM
Break- The Cinematics
Forever- Ben Harper
Didn't Mean to Break Our Love- Bella
Lazy Eye- Silversun Pickups
3 of 4 of the week's new suggestions fall off the list, and a 3-way tie for 3rd place.
There will be no poll this week since I'll be in London. So feel free to go pitch crazy for the next week and a half.
"You've fallen in with the wrong crowd"
Post-tequila shots...
This week, I’m munching on…
The Salteens’ “Time You Have Been Wasting”.
Thanks to CBC Radio 3, I’ve discovered this track – a sweet “cross-polination of Motown and bubblegum” (thank Grant Lawrence for that tag phrases) – and can’t seem to get enough of it. Really, who doesn’t love a little horn and brass with their piano over a sweet disco/funk bass line, with vocal duet harmonies for good measure? Much like the Spice Girls’ “Stop” (you LOVE it!), or Ben Folds in his more memorable moments (think “Army” not “Golden Slumbers”), here, these Vancouver indie rock sensations channel our favourite pre-sketchy Spector moments while throwing in just enough modern guitar and drum fills to keep it sounding “at once classic and of now” (Grant again). If you download the CBC Radio 3 podcasts, you can hear it for free, it was last Thursday’s “Track of the Day”. In my humble opinion - seemingly misguided of late - it’s well worth spending some bandwidth on it, for the kick it will put in your step, and hopefully, for the smile it will put on your face that will pull me out of my pitching slump!
Happy trails in London!
I did it...I embraced modernism and joined Facebook. This is the beginning of the end.
I still refuse MySpace though.
Refuse MySpace to the end!!! Facebook owns your soul now...you don't have a choice in the matter I'm afraid. Since I've been writing my thesis I have no post as of yet, but I may pull something out of my hat later in the week...
I heart your pitch mistress of CBC Radio
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