Wednesday, March 28, 2007

“Cause all this talk of getting older, Just goes on and on”
-Don’t Play It Cool, The Thrills

It’s my last full day as a 24 year old, and quite frankly, I’m freaking out. Not necessarily in an bad, “Oh my God I’m so old” way (and no offence to those of you who are older), but in a “How do I top my last year?” Never mind the fact that I don’t even remember my birthday last year. So here’s to spending your birthday on a plane…

The good news is I have a legitimate research project for still images underway at work, so for once my daily tasks include something other than trips to the post office, the photocopier, and Starbucks. Of course, the only reason I’ve been assigned this research task is because there’s no money in the budget to hire an actual researcher. This is a better assignment than that time I had to research the current political and social climate in Nepal.

“I'm not tired, don't wanna go home”

And I joined Facebook despite the big speech I gave Cassandra about never joining Facebook or MySpace. It’s clearly going to be the end of me. So add me as a friend. My real friends can be my virtual friends as well.

And the world’s tallest man just got
married. He’s having a good year: first he stuck his arms down the throats of dolphins to retrieve plastic from their stomachs and now this…it’s a banner year for him.

“you've only yourself to lose”


At 12:31 p.m., March 28, 2007, Blogger Rachel said...

"Love You More (Record Collection)" by The Hours

Xfm has been playing it a lot recently and I think its decent enough to share in its quirky kitchy cathiness. Clearly up my (our?)alley. Full of pop culture references from Elvis, Johnny Cash, Carravaggio, football, and of course, records.
And I for one would be flattered if a boy said he loved me more than his record collection.
They do have better songs than this, but I thought we could all apprieciate the sentiment.

At 9:40 p.m., March 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just tagged you in a bagazillion pictures on facebook.

welcome to the obsession.


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