Friday, June 08, 2007

"And I lie and I lie and I lie till there's no turning back, I don't know why"
- Don't Lie, Black Eyed Peas

I know I said my blog was dead. Clearly, I lie.

You Are a Great Liar

You can pretty much pull anything over on anyone.
You are an expert liar, even if you don't lie very often.

You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

You Always Hold a Grudge

If someone wrongs you, you aren't likely to forgive them. You figure they've showed their true colors.
You've been known to cut people out of your life pretty frequently. And maybe you've even sought revenge a couple times!

You Are: 0% Dog, 100% Cat

You are are almost exactly like a cat.
You're intelligent, independent, and set on getting your way.
And there's no way you're going to fetch a paper for anyone!

Your Ex Is Paranoid

Whether your ex was accusing you of cheating or your friends of being evil...
Your ex definitely saw things that weren't there!
People with paranoid personality disorder bear grudges, are always suspicious, and confide in no one.
Sound at all familiar?

You Are 16% Lady

You're a pretty crass, and even a bit crude on occasion.
Manners don't matter to you, but they sure matter to those around you.

Your Sketchiness Factor

You are 53% Sketchy

You Are Quite Worldly

You've done a good bit of worldly exploring, and you have an international perspective.
And you're definitely looking forward to your future adventures abroad.
You've got the passport, the desire to travel, and maybe even the language skills.
Now all you need are the means!

Your Musical Tastes Match: Nicole Kidman
See her whole playlist here (iTunes required)

Your Drag Queen Name Is:


"I don't know the reason why I did these things"

Monday, June 04, 2007

“Some things last forever, why can't this last forever”
-Yesterday Never Tomorrows, The Stills

I just thought I’d state the obvious: this blog is slowly dying. Blame me. I blame Facebook. And also the weather. I started this since mostly everyone I liked was living outside of Toronto, but now everyone I like is either back, on Facebook, or not reading this anyway. We’ll see. Come September when it’s celebrity stalking season at TIFF I’ll have lots to say. Perhaps after cottage-weekend I’ll post again. Of course, whatever happens at the cottage stays at the cottage.

I haven’t done anything blog-worthy of late: no random adventures, old men hitting on me, nor have I fallen down in any strange locations. “Comedy” night, NTN trivia, and a surprise birthday party are all that I have going on recently, coupled with a free Hawksley Workman and The Stills show tonight at Harbourfront. Yay more concerts!

“I love you and I won't let myself let you go”