“I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand,Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain” -Werewolves of London, Warren Zevon
as usual, I'm having problems uploading pictures, so check back later. I’m already done with Halloween after Saturday’s efforts. Bring on Christmas.
Mock Halloween night was fun at The Phoenix (where I did see random dude I went on a date with but luckily, thanks to layers of white face paint, I was scarily unrecognizable, which was good since said dude texted me the day before to see if I was going to a concert). Carri, Yenni and I got all dressed up in our costumes and set out for the streetcar where we received numerous honks and stares from passersby as our trio consisted of one princess, one dead bride, and one dead cheerleader (making dumbass faces in photos).
The best part of my cheerleading costume (aside from the fact that I happened upon a cheerleading jacket embroidered with “Rachel”) was that I was a dead cheerleader which provided me with the oppourtunity to roll around in dead leaves on the front lawn in the dark and grinding my knees into the dirt to make it appear as though I had just risen from the grave. Flower pot dirt also came in handy for smearing across my neck and collarbone, even if the dirt ended up rolling into my bra and shirt. I “slit” my wrists with fake blood and Yenni slashed her neck with blood, leaving our bathroom covered in fake blood and dirt. We got a lot more attention on the streetcar where we were approached by Anne of Green Gables, gunshot head wound guy, and a very gay Robin Hood. We met up with other friends Mel (Dorothy) and Kary (Golddigger) at the bash.
“If you hear him howling around your kitchen door, Better not let him in"
People went all out at The Phoenix: there were several Borats, Optimus Prime, Edward Scissorhands AND Edward Penishands, a few Jack Sparrows, a bunch of bananas, "I Love Lucy", a naked couple, Clockwork Orange dudes, a giant Oompa Loompa, The Crow, vampires, slutty maids, Hooters girls in ill-fitting costumes (and I mean ILL-fitting), Santas but no Zanta, a few Britney’s and K-Fed’s (one that came with a Shar Jackson), Dorothy’s, devils, Duffmans, and army dudes. And I guy who we dubbed “my Dad” who, as it seemed, was a 40 something man in a golf shirt and jeans with a beer- totally my Dad except my Dad is 54. I got hit on by a wolfman, a guy in a zoot suit who saved Mel and I from a moshing crowd, an army colonel, and a man with a cape. There was also The Phoenix's equivalent to pyjama guy at the Cave: random Asian man who poses and claps in the middle of the crowd, but gets really angry when you try to dance with him. “Better stay away from him, He'll rip your lungs out, Jim"
The music was iffy, the beer was flowing, and I was snapping pictures left and right so my really drunken cohorts could remember the evening. It was a lot of fun. Yenni got so much attention as the dead bride and was hit with numerous pick up lines. She also got into an argument on the street with some dudes at the end of the night which just looked hilarious. The most random costume was a dude was the World Trade Centre, which, albeit clever, was a tad distasteful for a public gathering. At one point while we were in line outside WTC and a doctor started fighting when the doctor took issue with the WTC costume. People booed the WTC. A few hours in the WTC comes on stage and it turns out that he’s Martin Streak, the DJ at Edge 102.
“Well, I saw Lon Chaney walking with the Queen"
The night before, Dan and I went to see The Prestige and for greasy food at Fran’s Diner. And yesterday Carri and I laid on the couch all day watching a Halloween movie marathon of Ghostbusters II (even though I just watched it last week), Beetlejuice, The Shining, Scream, Dracula, and Scary Movie 4. Time well spent. And Justin and I have another date on Wednesday to see the Woody Allen film, Scoop, since I have expressed my girl crush on Scarlett Johansson. Even after I totally fell off a concrete table in the park on our last date. I'm just that irresistably awesome. Today I think I will actually leave the house and venture out to the mall for pyjama shopping, even though the mall is already decked out for Xmas. I’ve also lost the rubber pieces for my earbud headphones, so I’ve had to revert back to my crappy iPod headphones which makes me angry. “He's the hairy-handed gent who ran amuck in Kent” Top 5 Halloween-themed songs I have avoided hearing as of this post:
Thriller- Michael Jackson Monster Mash- Bobby Pickett & The Crypt Kickers Time Warp- Rocky Horror The theme from Halloween Werewolves of London- Warren Zevon
“I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's, His hair was perfect"
“Waited on a line of greens and blues, Just to be the next to be with you” -To be With You, Mr. Big
This is so not my year for keeping the contents of my stomach in place.
I got stupidly drunk last night and threw up in a park.
That’s the 4th time in 10 months, although the first time in a park. I don’t know what happened to me and my stomach of steel. Actually, I do know what happened to me last night: a dinner of candy doesn’t go well when you share 3 pitchers of beer. Damn Swedish Berries and Cherry Blasters! Apparently my parents were right when they said that eating candy for dinner wasn’t a good idea. Like the fool that I am I thought, hey, I’m a quasi-grown up, I can eat whatever the hell I want to for my meals. Just now I know not to mix a candy feast with beer because it will result in my vomiting in a park behind Bathurst station. And before you get ahead of yourselves, I was being perfectly innocent in said park as part of a “let’s sober up” walk. Maybe that’s why Justin hasn’t returned my calls today…then again, we have tentative plans for our next date. There really aren’t any other juicy details that I care to share via the blog other than there was a really good guitar player at the Beer Station playing random covers of Coldplay, White Stripes, Pink Floyd, and Kanye West.
“Wake up who cares about, Little boys that talk too much”
Shortbus was a no go- we were both late to the theatre. He was at a random Mozart concert while I was at home helping Yenni spray blood realistically over a wedding gown on the front lawn. To match her dead bride costume, I’ve decided to be a dead cheerleader since I can’t pull off peppy all night, and we’re now going to The Phoenix because they have costume prizes. There’s also a Saw marathon somewhere in the city so I might hit that since I have yet to see Saw II or III. Dan and I went to dinner and The Prestige tonight, although the movie somewhat confused me, but was still more enjoyable than The Illusionist. Before that I had parked myself on the couch and tried to overcome a hangover by watching "Laguna Beach" all day. I have to be more sober this week since I got a call back for a second interview for the producer’s assistant role. Guess I’m better than 15 other people they interviewed. I think people just want to hear about working in a cemetery.
And I purchased my train tickets to head up to O-Town to visit Nat, Kate, and Dirk and hit up Zaphod’s for old times sake and perhaps to the chocolate factory to wrestle with Oompa Loompas.
"Looking rough and living strange, And I know that you've got a taste for it too " -Don't Look Back Into the Sun, The Libertines
I’m still jobless but it’s actually not that big of a concern. Yet. I’ve turned down two jobs: one at Costco and one as a writer for some online website. I know, you’re thinking, “why the hell would anyone turn down a writing gig when they’re unemployed?” Precisely because it would take me over and hour and a half to get there on a good day via TTC. Just because a company says it’s located in “downtown Toronto” doesn’t make it true. And my interview for “Producer’s Assistant” was a bust as well. Seems a more accurate description should have been “Receptionist.” And they’re interviewing 18 people for the position!
It’s also proving to be a lot more expensive to take the bus/train to O-Town than I had imagined. The bus is more money than the train and it would take me a whopping 11 hours to get there. GTFO (or “get the fuck out,” if you will). But that won’t stop me from making the trip since there are people to see to, Zaphod’s to attend, and small cats to put on cat shows with.
Last night I went for Korean BBQ with random dude (although not a date since this is someone that I just randomly chat with and have no interest in) and then to a party with Dan which was mostly filled with TIFF people (if I get an interview with them I can pull out the whole, “I saw you at that party…” line). The party was fun in just having drinks and meeting people. As well, the true bonus was that since it was a going away party for a couple moving to Korea (yeah, good timing on that one), they were giving away loads of their things…namely CDs. So Dan and I made out like bandits. Or maybe not since even I didn’t know half of the bands and/or there was a large selection of Goo Goo Dolls, Sarah McLachlan, and the like. But I did pick up CDs by Pavement, Test Icicles, Neko Case, James, a Sub Pop label compilation, and a Specials CD of them covering random songs (who covers “Somebody Got Murdered,” “Dirty Old Town,” and Bob Marley on the same CD?). Also, the crowing achievement of last night’s haul: a wooden tiki candleholder and Deliverance: The Musical on VHS. To you its all junk, to me, it’s golden.
"Starts so fast and ends so slow, All the time I had to think of you "
I also scored a Halloween costume in Kensington market. It had been my intention to go as a boy scout because it was cheap, easy, and required little effort. As I was perusing the racks at a vintage shop, I happened along the school uniforms and cheerleading costumes. Lo and behold, there was an embroidered cheerleading jacket with “Rachel” on it. I took it as a sign and went for the skirt and jacket combo to be a cheerleader. I haven’t decided to go as a living or dead one yet. Yenni is going as a dead bride so maybe the two of us will make a good pair of the deceased.
Tonight, Justin and I are going to see Shortbus which is either a very good idea, or a very bad one for a date. If you can’t figure out why, then you clearly have no idea what the film is about. And then for beer, which I may be in desperate need of after the movie.
"Oh my friend you haven't changed " Last 5 Songs I've Listened To (aka "Do Your Worst, Shuffled Playlist" Mix): Wayne- Chantal Kreviazuk Oh You Pretty Things- David Bowie Driftwood- Travis Bling (Confession of a King)- The Killers Under My Thumb- Rolling Stones
I'm very sad. I don't even have a song title for today.
I got bad news yesterday morning that my beast Tony was hit by a car. My parents buried him the the garden behind our house. Most of you know how much I love my Beast or have been bitten by him in the past 13 years he was around. He was a gift from my neighbour when my first cat Fifty died and I named him after Tony Danza.
I'm still upset but Natalie sent me an email that made me feel better since she knows exactly what I'm going through. And Dan dragged me out to the Pickle Barrel to get me out of the house.
When I am less sad I will update with another post but I don't feel like it right now. And don't tell me he had a long life because it's neither true nor comforting to me. In the meantime, I'm not around the next few days with volunteer commitments, job interviews, and plans including my 4th date (or possibly date number 3.5?).
"When a problem comes along you must whip it" -Whip it, Devo
I heard this song at karaoke tonight.
I'm also drunk. Read this with caution.
I’m like the only person in the world who complains when a job interview goes well and I have the feeling I’m going to be hired. That’s what happened today on my Costco emergency back-up “I might need some money now” job. I’m so disappointed that I might actually get the job. I’m far too lazy for that. But I feel bad since my mom pretty much called them on the phone and said, “Hire my daughter. Please.” And it’s not like my mom is super nice and calls random places of business to beg for them to hire me as if I am an invalid, but she is actually gainfully employed by said bulk retailer. I have another interview with some sort of news centre and I’m not sure if it’s print or television news, and one to be a producer’s assistant at a television production house.
"When a good time turns around you must whip it"
I had another date tonight with my date from Tuesday, who, like the Old Man, is also called Justin. And I understand that that means taping Grey’s Anatomy. Fuckin’ make out city at the Gladstone. I’m typing this while more than a little tipsy, but at least that shows you I’m alone. If Kate taught me anything, it was not to shave my legs so I always have an excuse. Granted, it hasn’t always worked, but tonight proved successful. No washroom or back alley stories to tell you. And I already know that I’m typing this and am going to be totally mortified by it tomorrow. Maybe now I’m just your single dating friend who flat out tells guys that “I can’t take you home because I didn’t make my bed or shave my legs, so next time anyway.” Fuck going to the Dance Cave on Saturday to make out with random dudes. I’m still going to give the patented Mairin/me slogan “make out with me!!!!” as per Mairin’s underwear that I successfully and artfully designed for her. But given my disdain for strangers and new found make out friend, I don’t see the need. I’m not a whore (keep your comments to yourselves if they involve washrooms and alleyways after a few rounds). I’m fully aware that I’m drunkenly and incoherently rambling but it’s almost 3am. I’m shaking my fist at you all for judging me.
"Shape it up, get straight, Go forward, move ahead"
Earlier, I started to laugh on the subway because there was a sign for debt relief that said, “Grocery bills shouldn’t be eating you.” That’s not really that funny at all, but I just imagined bags of groceries eating people. Vivid imagination + lack of sleep + fear or work will do that to you.
Dan and Carrie-Anne are trying to get me to watch MTV’s Laguna Beach show. They forced DVDs of seasons 1 and 2 on me. I’m fucking going to bed. I know I’m drunk. Once I'm sobe rin the morning I'll give an account of the cowboys singing country karaoke at the Gladstone. Actually, that's all the story is. This guy named Hank witha beard and cowboy hat sang all these country songs. then somebody sang "Whip It." Then I blacked out. Ladies, email me for gossipy details.
So drunk. But yet, I publish a blog entry.
"Try to detect it - it's not too late, To whip it, whip it good"
"There's something in my head, Somewhere in the back said, We were just a good thing" -Midnight Show, The Killers
First of all, this is the first time I am on MSN in weeks and not a single one of you is online. For shame.
Secondly, I just had THE BEST date ever!
Not saying much since it’s only the second date I have ever been on.
But I went to the Rivoli for sketch comedy night with my date who is a York film grad. This time no age guessing since I knew we were more like the same age, give or take a year. Comedy night was mediocre. There were a few standouts. I love Ron Sparks in general because he’s on my favourite show, "Video on Trial." And there was another funny guy whose name I can’t remember but that’s more than likely due to the amount of alcohol consumed by me tonight. BTW, no, I’m not drunk nor intoxicated enough to make a fool of myself as in the “I know, let’s throw Dirk’s shoes around Zak’s” mode. The worst sketch of the night was like something that even I wouldn’t have put on in my own basement, drunk, and with hand puppets. It basically revolved around some brothel and the highlight was when they threw hotdogs – buns and all- at this girl but even that wasn’t as funny as it could have been. The best part of that act was unintentional when the prop table collapsed. And also when my date won this really ugly Comedy Network shirt that was silver and shiny like a robot. With speed holes. AND, BEST SKETCH EVER: one sketch troupe did a Zanta sketch. I was in tears. It was set up that Ms. Zanta was ironing her husband’s hat for work and then the next thing you knew, dude tears off his pants and he’s in shorts with his Santa hat doing the best “Yes yes yesss!” and flexing since the real Zanta came down Yonge St. I love Zanta in all forms: real or as part of a sketch joke.
"I wanna take you a midnight show tonight"
My date was hilarious. I laughed non-stop. And I think both of us were weird enough not to weird the other one out. He had the personality or me/Mairin/Shane if that paints an accurate picture. But nicer than we are. Although that may just be first date sort of niceness because even I wasn’t all “let’s go punch babies in the head and tell Ratzinger he looks like a zombie”, although both came up in conversation (him, not me). He looked like….Shane. But taller (not that you’re short McNeil. You know I love you and I miss you and want you to come home for the Oscars. And the Dance Cave.). But that should give you a mental picture anyway.
After the Rivoli we went to the Red Room where I discovered that the following was scrawled on the wall of the women’s washroom: “David Spade is to actors as Adolf Hitler is to 21 year old German virgins.” I didn’t understand it an hour ago, and I don’t understand it now. And don’t get the wrong idea either that this was discovered while having sex in the washroom or something. Please. It was the first date. And this isn’t Zaphod’s or the Dance Cave. Although both came up in conversation.
"I drive faster, boy"
It ended with a hug and what could be considered a dare in the “I bet we couldn’t finish up 3 pitchers next time” sense, so we shall see. He just loses points for his taste in music. Not that he loves Hip hop or thrash metal, but in that he likes weird, old, dead people. But still, he dances at the Cave, which, as you all know, scores high in my books. In other news, no job for me. I’ve half-assed applied to things, but am no way motivated to actually work. As there are still funds in my bank account, I’m still content to lay about reading library books and watching daytime TV.
Tomorrow is Carrie-Anne's b-day so we're having a surprise party. Hopefully she doesn't read this blog. But it's always fun to hang out with her and Dan, even if it means I have to tape America's Next Top Model and Lost. And I'm going to watch Much on Demand tomorrow to try to win Killers wristbands to keep me from buying $250 tickets for their show online (they were freakin' $36 tickets!). I haven't won anything in a while.
I know you're all relying on me for humourous date stories, but as of now, I have nothing else planned this week, so far.
"Make it go away without a word, But promise me you'll stay"
“Hey, here is the story, Forget about the trouble in life” -What You Need, INXS
I know you’re all dying to hear how my first ever date went. As Kate put it, “At least you didn’t get raped and stuffed in a trunk.” (or something quite similar).
It was interesting with good conversation. Get out your Toronto maps: We ended up walking from Yonge and Wellesley over to Honest Ed’s on Bloor (though did not go in), down Bathhurst, down Harbord to Yonge, down to Union Station, then back to College St where we called it an evening. We talked non-stop for two hours about travel, music, concerts, movies…my usual repertoire. I don’t think he’s someone I’d date, but it was a successful afternoon. I have no idea how old he is. I’m bad with ages in general. For all I know Kate is 25, the Nat’s Old Man is 35, and Eve’s 21. He talked about high school, watching 90210 and Party of Five, liking Full House as a kid, but is still not old enough to shun the Dance Cave. And he doesn’t give off the vibe of creepy old guy in the corner, so I don’t think he’s reached his OM status. He had facial hair, which threw me off a bit, but generally speaking, he looked like Film Studies Nick for my Carleton alums, but lacked the stoner attitude. I tried not to hold his looks against him. Generally not too meaty, not too firm. But a pleasant conversationalist, no real sparks. Perhaps I have just scored a new friend to attend concerts with since he sees virtually everything in the city.
“You need a change from, What you do all day”
I have another tentative date this week, again with a man whom I have no idea what he looks like. This is one seems more like Dirk in attitude (which is a good thing, because Dirk, if you’re reading this, I love you) as in the “Excuse me, is that your costume or are you a prostitute?” but with a knowledge of pop culture. We have already had lengthy email conversations about the time I saw Paul Martin holding a llama and how I am the only person to ever check out the Book on Goats at the St. Charles Elementary School library. I’m certainly on a roll anyway, with my first date down and another lined up.
Last night I met up with Dan and Carrie-Anne for sushi (Big Sushi still tastes good after my time in Japan. And I discovered a new place for Bibimbap Eve). We then went to see The Queen which was good, and much busier than I expected. All shows were sold out but we managed tickets. Along the way, we reminisced and discovered that Dan and I are pretty cruel people, or at least we were in grade 11. But that’s a story for another day.
And tomorrow I’m attending a cinnamon bun party although I have no idea what that entails. Hopefully cinnamon buns.
“Hey you, won't you listen, This is not the end of it all”
In conclusion, and as a non-sequitor, my iPod Top 25 List after 5 months in Japan (1 to 25 with no artist doubles). You can tell a lot about people by their iTunes 25 Most Played List. it's teh first thing I look at on people's computers. Then I judge.
Your Diary- Franz Ferdinand Kids With Guns- Gorillaz Town Called Malice- The Jam Cash Machine- Hard-fi Shine a Light- Wolf Parade Gold Lion- Yeah Yeah Yeahs Club Foot- Kasabian Talk to Me, Dance With Me- Hot Hot Heat The Passenger- Iggy Pop Oh My God- Kaiser Chiefs Sometimes You Can’t Make it On Your Own- U2 (it’s seriously this far down the list) Ooh La La- Goldfrapp Hotel Yorba- White Stripes Lola- The Kinks Suffragette City- David Bowie Going, Going, Gone- Stars Combat Baby- Metric Reptilia- The Strokes The Universal- Blur Amsterdam- Coldplay Rudie Can’t Fail- The Clash Nightswimming- REM Music When the Lights Go Out- The Libertines Mis-shapes- Pulp Jump Around- House of Pain (no, really).
All this shows is that I’ve relied far too heavily on my “Zaphod’s Mix” playlist.
And now I’m going back to watch Scream 3 on TV. I forgot Dr. McDreamy was in it. More importantly, I forgot all about Scream 3.
“Searching for signs of life but there's nobody home.” Good, Better than Ezra (I’d like to thank Much Music for reminding me of this terrible song)
I’m not handling unemployment well. It’s surprising since while actually employed I try to do as little as possible. I could just sit at a desk “working” for 8 hours without any problems. Here, I’m left to fend for myself, wandering around the apartment, watching daytime talk shows, eating sour candy, and reading a multitude of books. I’m bored out of my mind and I haven’t even been in Toronto for a solid week straight. On the other hand, I really don’t want to have to physically work and put the effort into going outside to be at a place of business for some pre-determined time. My standard uniform as of late has been a pair of ripped jeans and random t-shirts. I’d hate to break with that tradition and wear something decent.
“Sitting around the house, watching the sun trace shadows on the floor.”
Besides being screwed over by the library- how is it possible that every book I put on hold 6 months ago and more recent ones have all decided to show up this week? The only calls I get are from the automated library voice telling me to haul ass over and claim said books….I have been spending some time with 2 of the new roommates. Yenni and the Irish and I will possibly partake in The Mod Club’s Halloween festivities (note to Heidi & Eve: Mod Club for New Years?), barring the fact that I am currently not in the possession of a costume or a vague idea as to what/whom to go as. Someone should go as Zanta, other than the real Zanta. I wonder if he’d freak out (become sane???) if he were to be confronted with his doppelganger? I wonder what he'll do tonight since snow is in the forecast (!!!). Wearing a shirt is not an option.
Other than the word that Alliance Atlantis were calling my references on Tuesday, I’m still out of the loop on if I am employed or not. I did see an ad asking for people to dress up in “Medieval costumes” and parade around the downtown core, handing out flyers for a costume shop for Halloween. I’m intrigued to say the least.
“Well, maybe I'll call or write you a letter.”
I also have a date this weekend. I’ve never actually been on a date. (Kate, help me). Advice? That’s what I get for having an extreme disapproval of strangers and only romancing fellow school chums. We’ll see if either of us decides to show up. Or maybe I should show up with Zanta. Better yet, what if it is Zanta who is meeting me? The possibilities are endless. But the dude- not Zanta, the one I have a date with- has proven himself when it comes to music, film, Dance Caving, hassling the Hoff, and the rest of the important things via email in the past 1.5 weeks.
“But I'm not too sure, and I'm not too proud.”
Top 5 “Yes Heidi, that Evanescence song is popular with the idiots” new Songs I Hate (big on the CanCon):
Call Me When You’re Sober- Evanescence Gunnin’- Hedley Too Little Too Late- Jojo Put Me On – Swollen Members (seriously??? These guys at still a band???) Red Flag- Billy Talent… honestly, first time I saw this video, I thought the flags were pink and thought, “How nice. Pink flags in support of breast cancer awareness month”
“Forget what we're told, Before we get too old, Show me a garden that's bursting into life” -Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Nooooooo! The Scissor Sisters show is cancelled tonight. It actually works out okay since Lauren is sick, so we’ll have to see when the concert is rescheduled for. And I get to stay home with the fam an extra night to eat turkey leftovers.
Speaking of turkey day, I discovered that 2/3 of my mom’s side of the family get sick if they eat red peppers, like me. Thrilling dinnertime conversation. But screw me suffering today, I love red peppers. I was also able to initiate an event which I am hoping will become an annual occurrence: the bowling of rotten cantaloupe across the backyard to rest under the willow trees. I got a bonus point as it seemed to startle my Beast, Tony, from across the neighbour’s lawn, leaving him to run wildly across their backyard, shimmy under a fence, and then dash the remaining distance around more trees to my deck where he then climbed on top of the barbeque and demanded to be let in the house. Tomorrow we’re going to throw rotten pears at/to the neighbour’s dog.
“Let's waste time, Chasing cars, Around our heads”
The squirrel race war is seemingly over. I saw a giant black squirrel perched on the garage roof and took it to mean that he was the new king of the backyard and was seated on his throne to oversee his kingdom.
I’m also the proud owner of my own personal Old Man like Nat and Eve. Except my OM is in postcard form from Greece (thanks Heidi!). I’ve named him Gus since most old Greek men seem to be named either Gus or Ted.
“I don't know where, Confused about how as well”
No word on if I will soon be gainfully employed, but then again, it’s only been a week. When you don’t do anything, time seems to slow down. And I can’t take the weather. One day it’s 25 out and the next it’s 11. I’ve worn both a fall coat and flip flops this week, although never at the same time. That’s all for now. I have to go back to doing something productive (read: eating).
Put the iPod on Shuffle and You Get:
Sunglasses at Night- Corey Hart On Top- The Killers Let it Die- Feist All I’ve Ever Known- Jason Collett 40 (live at Red Rocks)- U2
“Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"
"Wake up in the morning with a head like ‘what ya done?’, This used to be the life but I don’t need another one" -Don't Feel Like Dancin', Scissor Sisters
I’ve been pretty busy the past two days, getting settled back into the city, and visiting people.
Friday I headed over to my beloved rainbow Cinemas where I discovered that they no longer had $4.25 matinees. Instead, I had to pay $6.50, which is still a relative bargain, and now the homeless men don’t go into the theatre to sleep. I caught Little Miss Sunshine before walking up to the TIFF offices to meet Dan.
After putting in quality time gluing envelopes for Dan- which officially counts as volunteer work- we walked across the street to Grill Time for Korean BBQ. We walked in and looked at eachother as I said, “Is it just me or is everyone…” Dan said, “I Know.” Everyone was Korean except for one or two people. We took it as a good sign and indulged on the $12.99 all you can eat BBQ where we were served a variety of meats (and ox tongue on request). No heart this time, Eve. They also have my favourite dish, bimibap, which I will definitely return to eat at a later date.
"You got so many colours make a blind man so confused. Then why can’t I keep up when you’re the only thing I lose? "
Halfway into our dinner, everyone in the restaurant turned to look out the large glass window onto the street. And there he was! There was Zanta! I had forgotten about him but he was there, putting on a show to welcome me back to the city. He got up on one of the large recycling/garbage containers and started doing push-ups and flexing his “yes, yes yessss!” muscles.
We wandered over to the theatre to catch The Science of Sleep which was good, weird, and surprisingly funny, although both of us were scratching our heads at the end, I think.
Kate was down from Ottawa for Thanksgiving so she came to pick me up and took a tour of her former home, wandering around my apartment and critiquing things, and complaining about the condition of the apartment in our absences. We decided on The Pickle Barrel, although did not partake in the half yards of beer. Instead, we had terrible service and a poor excuse for egg’s Benedict.
"Don’t feel like dancing, dancing, Even if i find nothin' better to do "
Last night, I went out with a group of Irish. Roommate Yenni and her British friend Ali and I met some other Irish and went to the Laugh Resort for the stand-up comedy. I had no idea who was even on, but the seven of us got some drinks and sat right at the front of the stage. Two of my favourite “Video on Trial” comedians were on, Debra Di Giovanni and Ron Sparks. The headliner was Roman Danylo of crappy Canadian show “Comedy Inc.”, which I’ll admit to never have watching before. I’ve seen him before when I went to a taping of some other lame-ass Comedy Network show whose name I don’t care to remember. According to his bio, his credits also include “Sliders” and “The Outer limits.” Not really hilarious shows.
"Why’d you break down when I’m not in the mood? "
Debra was hilarious and was the emcee for the night. We’re planning on going back in November to see her headlining show. Ron was okay, it seemed to take him a while to warm up. There was another dude who was terrible. It was more fun to watch the audience’s reaction to his bad jokes. Roman was great. I thought he was really funny. At the end of the show, an older comedian came on the stage and they did some improv based on audience selections.
After the show the group of use headed to Fionn MacCool’s for pitchers and drunken rounds of singing “Africa” by Toto and other ‘80s classics before we were asked to leave the bar since we were the last ones left at closing time.
"Rather be home with no one when I can't get down with you "
I’m lazing around today, watching the E! True Hollywood Story on Courtney Love for the second time this week, not really out of interest, but because there is nothing else on. Then it’s time to go home for turkey tomorrow. I’m back in the city Tuesday in time for Scissor Sisters with Lauren, which I’m pumped for.
"Staring into the fire before TV, the remote-control's on Mars" -Sherpa, Tragically Hip
One of my new roommates was an extra in Breakfast on Pluto. She has an Irish accent. I love her. We're going to see some sort of comedy sketch show or something Saturday night. I didn't hear the details. I'll agree to anything when I'm tired.
I had another round of interviews for the History channel job. Surprised me because they said they were only doing one interview. Maybe that's what they tell everyone at the beginning so the losers don't get discouraged. Hopefully, I'll soon be gainfully employed instead of sitting around on the couch watching movies on TV that I already own on DVD (Big Fish). "we conspired against old friends, we said we must be friends or die" My random ads online have attracted much attention. Mostly for the David Hasselhoff comments and the "you must be mildly sane, realtively clean, and somewhat clever" requirement. I once made up a pop culture quiz that I was going to give potential men. Shane is the only one who ever took it given the boredom induced in Martin Landau's class (what is is real damn name?). it was on the important stuff like what is Bono's real name (okay, that was the easiest question and the only one I can remember.) Shane passed, but that was to be expected. I should re-invent that quiz to weed out potentials. In the end, it's the size of your record collection that counts.
I've only been riding the subways for 2 days now, but I've already stumbled across Random Crazy Talking Man. You know, the one who just kind of stands by the door and talks non-stop about anything. The kind of guy where people say, "Excuse me, are you talking to me?" before they realize he's nuts. Today's nutcase looked just like Hugh Laurie (or Dr. House, if you must). Another crazy guy was yelling at seagulls outside of Zellers. He had a sock tied around his neck and a fluffy red hat on. This is what has been missing in my life while I was away. I'm glad the crazy guys have come out to welcome me back to the city. The only issue if I get this new job is that I am no longer in the heart of CrazyTown (and not that terrible band of the same name) at the Church/Jarvis/Queen Sts. area. That's kind of sad.
"And we spoke long, at length of the fight or flee, and of nothing in particularly underneath the cannonball tree"
I think I'll treat myself to a little movie marathon tomorrow at Rainbow Cinemas since I have $4.25 to spare. But we'll see. It's gotten alarmingly cold the past two night (3 degrees? Is that a typo?") so we'll see if I dare to venture outside. I'm still spoiled by the Japanese weather and am having a hard time adjusting to the temperatures here. Especailly since now I no longer live in the overly hot room in the apartment.
I'm always talking. Talking about nothing. But I still make myself laugh at night by thinking of random things.
"It's 4:30 A.M. on a Tuesday, It doesn't get much worse than this" -Why Do I Keep Counting?, The Killers
My job interview is over and done with, so here's hoping. History Television only employs 7 people. That's weird.
I randomly put up a profile on one of those dating sites, just out of curiosity. I wanted to see how weird and random I could be and still get responses. I put things like I like cats, cheese, Honest Ed's, making fun of David Hasselhoff, and drinking gin. I also put that I'm somewhat mean, will tell you you have terrible taste in music, and enjoy talking like a pirate. In less than 12 hours I've had a total of 36 separate responses. I wasn't prepared for that. I also never thought about the future and actually having to talk to and/or meet and converse with men. There's me being anti-social. The best are the far out responses I've gotten by men who are full of themselves. About half of the responses are from seemingly nice and funny guys, but for every promising lead I get the "No Fat Chicks" guy.
"And ain't this position familiar, darling, Well, all monkeys do what they see"
One guy said, and I quote: "You don't have to be skinny but you can't be fat. You can't make me look bad if we're in public." Another genius said, "Women love me so if you're interested hurry up and reply." Then there's the odd guy who thinks that even though he's not what I'm looking for, he can convince me otherwise by sending a shirtless photo of himself as if I'll forgive the fact that he has a wife and is 38 years old. This is a fun social experiment at best. Maybe I'll find someone new to make out with at the Dance Cave. It is my favourite past time afterall.
"You got an attitude of everything I ever wanted"
I managed to walk into HMV and only buy The Killers CD. Damn HMV. Everything is $9.99, including new CDs. you know that only spells trouble for me.
Songs I'm Still Not Tired Of:
Out of My Head- Mobile Dani California- Red Hot Chili Peppers Maneater- Nelly Furtado Is It Any Wonder?- Keane Heart in a Cage- The Strokes
"You've been thinking, And I've been drinking, We both know that it's just not right" -If This is It, Huey Lewis and the News
There's a race war happening in my own backyard. it's between the opposing squirrel kingdoms of the Blacks and the Greys. I'm rooting for the Blacks. They're more aggressive and sneaky. Their plans of attack include hanging off of my deck by their back toes and scratchcng in the air as a form of training. They sort of fly at eachother and collide in mid-air while making this chattering sound. As a soundtrack, I always imagine the "Star Trek" theme Jim Carrey sings in The Cable Guy during the Medieval Times scenes. When the fighting dies down, I throw handfuls of peanuts into the middle to start them rioting again. I'm making the most of my time.
I've also been shopping- or faux shopping- as I just kind of wander around, not purchasing anything due to the current lack of job. And eating. Lots of eating. And breaking out one of my fave U2 albums: October (since it is October). And watching random shows on TV like this special on Roy Orbison on CMT. Don't ask why I happened to be watching the country music channel. There was one odd video starring Jennifer Connelley and Jason Priestly where all they did was make out in black and white while Roy sang on in the distance. I just can't escape Jason Priestly what with the Orbison video, my "90210" watching, and this random Profile show on Barenaked Ladies that I flipped by by accident. I'm taking a break now from watching a knight-themed movie marathon (first Knight, Robin Hood, The Messenger). It was either that or the 3rd consecutive airing of Turner and Hooch on TBS.
In my TV viewing, I did happen to catch what will possibly prove to be the greatest show if all time: Mr. T's reality self-help show, "I Pity the Fool." Sample interview highlight from Mr. T:
"I'm no Dr. Phil. 'Dr. Phil, what's wrong with me??' blah blah blah. I tell you what's wrong: you're a fool!"
I smell an Emmy for best reality show.
I also tried to convince my mom to buy me the "24" and "Amazing Race" boardgames. No dice. My mom said if I was bored, I should give the cat a bath and clean my room. Hence the knight-movie marathon. My Nana and I are going to see The Black Dahlia today which means I'll have to pre-empt the knights for another night (zing!). Nana has good taste in movies and I haven't been to a movie theatre in almost 3 months. And I have a girl crush on Scarlett Johansson so I want to see the movie, despite the inclusion of Josh Hartnett. "So let me go, or make we want to stay"
Returning from a 5 month odyssey in Japan revolving around watching all 5 seasons of "24", karaoke, chopsticks, and working 1 hour a week, I've returned to Toronto to put my film degree to use and secured a job in TV production where I am but a slave. I also have various adventures in dating, most of which end in confusion and hilarity, much to the amusement of others.
I have a great sense of humour (or so I imagine) and I've also been called sarcastic and an obsessive complusive jerk, and surprisingly, I still have friends (many of whom I give regular shout outs to here, and whom I love dearly). I also like to make up random slang words and often speak with a pirate accent.