“Waited on a line of greens and blues, Just to be the next to be with you”
-To be With You, Mr. Big
This is so not my year for keeping the contents of my stomach in place.
I got stupidly drunk last night and threw up in a park.
That’s the 4th time in 10 months, although the first time in a park. I don’t know what happened to me and my stomach of steel. Actually, I do know what happened to me last night: a dinner of candy doesn’t go well when you share 3 pitchers of beer. Damn Swedish Berries and Cherry Blasters! Apparently my parents were right when they said that eating candy for dinner wasn’t a good idea. Like the fool that I am I thought, hey, I’m a quasi-grown up, I can eat whatever the hell I want to for my meals. Just now I know not to mix a candy feast with beer because it will result in my vomiting in a park behind Bathurst station. And before you get ahead of yourselves, I was being perfectly innocent in said park as part of a “let’s sober up” walk. Maybe that’s why Justin hasn’t returned my calls today…then again, we have tentative plans for our next date. There really aren’t any other juicy details that I care to share via the blog other than there was a really good guitar player at the Beer Station playing random covers of Coldplay, White Stripes, Pink Floyd, and Kanye West.
“Wake up who cares about, Little boys that talk too much”
Shortbus was a no go- we were both late to the theatre. He was at a random Mozart concert while I was at home helping Yenni spray blood realistically over a wedding gown on the front lawn. To match her dead bride costume, I’ve decided to be a dead cheerleader since I can’t pull off peppy all night, and we’re now going to The Phoenix because they have costume prizes. There’s also a Saw marathon somewhere in the city so I might hit that since I have yet to see Saw II or III.

Dan and I went to dinner and The Prestige tonight, although the movie somewhat confused me, but was still more enjoyable than The Illusionist. Before that I had parked myself on the couch and tried to overcome a hangover by watching "Laguna Beach" all day. I have to be more sober this week since I got a call back for a second interview for the producer’s assistant role. Guess I’m better than 15 other people they interviewed. I think people just want to hear about working in a cemetery.
And I purchased my train tickets to head up to O-Town to visit Nat, Kate, and Dirk and hit up Zaphod’s for old times sake and perhaps to the chocolate factory to wrestle with Oompa Loompas.
“When it's through, it's through”
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