"It's no secret that a conscience can sometimes be a pest"-The Fly, U2Wow. I haven't had THAT much to drink in a long time. Disclaimer- everyone in these pictures is extremely intoxicated. And more pictures to come!
We gathered to say goodbye to Naeyli as she leaves Canadian soil.Topher, Shane, Nayeli, and I went to the Green Room for drink, nachoes, and some light reading with all of the paperback novels conveniently stacked on a shelf next to us. Personal fave- World's Greatest Dad, complete with a Tom Sellick-ian painting of a guy with a mustache.

"Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief, All kill their inspiration and sing about their grief"
Now my main problem when I drink is that I don't sleep. For example, I usually stumble home and watch High Fidelity which has become my token drunk movie. I don't really know why. You don't need to be drunk to enjoy it. Drinking makes it better though for yelling our quotes thoguh. I guess watching High fidelity is better than that time I came home from Zaphod's and watched 3 hours of ITV Children's Literature class. You have to do your homework sometimes, kids!

So after the Green Room we stumbled/slid (well I did) over to Dance Cave. Shane and I were the first in and turned around and Nayeli and Topher were still outside. When suddenly it dawned on us that Stars were having a concert right then and there in the downstairs tha tis Lee's Palace. While we waited for the Mexican, we lurked in the shadows of the hallway and saw Stars perform "Ageless Beauty" before Nayeli, sans Topher, came in. And for the record, Ageless Beauty is my least fave Stars song.
"You know I don't see you when she walks in the room"

We danced the night away as a trio until Sophia joined us. Then more dancing as a quartet. And more drinking. I think I had about 10 drinks last night in total. And lots of drunken pictures! I'm so camera happy drunk and so was Nayeli last night so we traded off. No complaints about any of the evening. We somehow got on the bus down Bloor and barely made it to our stop. After giving Shane goodbye hugs and kisses, the bus driver demanded that he should get some love too. We got off the bus. The bus driver kinda looked like Teen Wolf. The girls and i hopped in a cab, missed our street, and finally got to our house where Nayeli slipped and fell on the ice. But it was all fun.

"They say the sun is sometimes eclipsed by a moon"
Nayeli also got the idea to call everyone she/we knew and leave them drunken goodbye voicemail and text messages. Or in the case of a few people, actually wake them up in bed. Like a girl in Washington whom Nayeli hadn't spoken to in 4 years but still had on speed dial. So we left some rambling messages for some people and horribly mis-spelled text messages. If you're one of those people- we're mildly sorry. The Mexican made us do it. Just hink that she loves you that much, she wanted to say goodbye... And it's all Dirk's fault for losing his cellphone in the first place.

"It's no secret that a liar won't believe anyone else"
Surprisingly, I remember every vivid detail. I think once you cross that midly inebrieated to downright intoxicated your memory stays with you.
This is when Nayeli fell on the ice, after we missed our street in the cab and had to turn around. I laughed, took her picture, then helped her up.

And I chose this song today because it was in my head all day, is a stella U2 track, and I love the lyrics and video. I agree witht he first line although I don't think I have a conscience. I seem to lack that little voice inside my heaf that tells you what to do and what not to do and when to stop doing what you shouldn't be doing. It's gotten me this far and I'm glad. I don't mean I lack a conscience in that I'm going to stab someone in the dead of winter to see steam rise from their chest, but in a maybe I shouldn't drink so much, elbow this person, and give the finger to whores anymore. or refer ot people as whores. Which reminds me of this pimp I ran face first into yesterday a tthe Eaton's Center...off topic. I think I'm rambling because I'm still a Woman Under the Influence.

This picture sums up the evening: none of us are all quite there.
"It's no secret that the stars are falling from the sky"
OVERRATED: People who stay here so you can't miss them. Okay, not really, because I need someone here to play with. And now my feamle friend amount in the city has gone down to 0. And boys never want to do what I want to do. Okay, also a downright lie because Dan and Shane also go to the movies a lot. Hmmm I'll mull this one over.
UNDERRATED: Nayeli! Okay, not really underrated, but the girl is leaving and I love her and miss her already.
"Look, I gotta go, yeah I'm running outta change, There's a lot of things, if I could I'd rearrange"