-Christmas (Baby Please Come Home), U2 (I know it's not "their" song, but they made it their own)
Speaking of U2: the new video for Original of the Species is weird, but it ends well with a hot Bono. Like 1993 hot. Like Zoo-TV leather pants hot. Damn, why was I 11 in 1993?
I found this website that has hilarious shirts for sale. The following is a selection of my favourites, any of which I would be proud to wear.

I've been told it's true.

It certainly is.

It actually is my favourite element, ever since I did a science report of Boron in grade 9.

Better than the other kind...

I really have no preference given the choices, unless we're talking about dinner.

She did at one point.

Festivus begins with the airing of grievances.

Einstein was wrong, 'cuz Hammer's so right.

Preachin' to the choir...

Not my house

Why would you?

I wish it said "Street Meat!"

Don't think I'll ever be in that position...

And you certainly are.


Actually Turkey wanted to make a child bride in exchange for some camels in 1996.

I think this one is my favourite. I'm actually laughing.

Only you can prevent forest fires.

Fo' shizzle.

This one just makes me laugh. I wish there was one about mullets.

Nobody likes a vegan.

So funny. So true. Be safe in the knowledge that he's still out there, looking for the real killer. And for some reason I always imagine Mr. T's voice as I read the shirt...

That about sums me up.
I wish I could get this picture on a t-shirt...
Oh wait, I can make it for myself with some of those computer iron on transfer pages. I smell a winter project coming on! And it's appropriate because I'm currently in the process of watching the Nick Nolte movie The Good Thief.
Part of me feels bad for not uploading the rest of my pictures from my trip last night. I promise I'll do it by Sunday.
OVERRATED: The top 2 floors of the HMV on Yonge St. All you need is on the first floor.
UNDERRATED: My new old crockpot that my dad gave me as we cleaned out the cupboards last weekend. You can't go wrong with throwing meat into a pot and letting it cook for 12 hours. it's the laziest way to cook for yourself.
"I remember when you were here, anf all the fun we had last year"
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