Friday, December 16, 2005

“I scream at the silence, it's crawling, It crawls under the door”
-Silver and Gold, U2

That’s it. I’m officially old. Now, I know, technically I am quite young and there are several people who are older than me who read this on a daily basis (trying to relive their youth perhaps?). What helped me make this decision: the fact that there’s like 10 days until Christmas (I think…I don’t even count down anymore. No, less than that). I’m nowhere near finished with Xmas shopping. Surprisingly, pushy people at the mall aren’t pissing me off- just endless Christmas muzak. Case in point- HMV. I was going crazy because they were playing a Barenaked Ladies Christmas CD. I can’t handle them in a non-holiday setting. Ugh. But despite all of this, I must say that I’ve been in a fantastic mood this past month or so. I guess Paris helped…

“Outside are the prisoners, Inside the free”

Today is also sad because it is Nayeli’s last night here. She moves home to Mexico for an indeterminate time (but hopefully/possibly 8 months). So we are going to do it up oldschool at Dance Cave. And we’re bringing Leanne! Culture shock alert. It will be fun. Which reminds me that I need beer and/or coke to mix with rum (but to mean that I am mixing beer with rum, but as an alternate beverage). The constant packing and unpacking of things as people move in and out of the house is strange because I’ve been in the same place 7 months. The past four years it’s been 8 months in Ottawa and 4 months in Thorold so it’s weird to get out of that cycle. But it’s so nice! There’s still things that I haven’t unpacked yet- like my desk drawer which I technically haven’t unpacked since Nat, Puivis, and I escaped from Shirley’s clutches.

“No stars in the black night, Looks like the sky fell down”

So busy at work today that Kate had to email me to alert me to Cillian Murphy and Peter Sarsgaard pictures on I told you I was busy- I don’t even have time to surf the blogs today. Thanks for looking out for my best interests. Conversly, that L’Uomo Vogue with Cillian Murphy is $21.99 at Indigo. I’m not quite that crazy to buy it, but you’d better check again a week and see if my resistance was futile.

One of my friends at work perfected a “Non-Scientific Terrible Actor Survey” to find the worst actor in Hollywood and determine their Terrible Actor Co-efficient. It’s all too math-y for me, but the results are that Nicolas cage is by far the worst actor in his TAC ratio which is found by searching for his name and “terrible actor” in the same sentence on Google, plus some other things. Quite fun. This is why I get up in the morning.

“Mister, I ain't got nothing, But it's more than you got”

And this is going to be a fun-filled movie weekend. Dan and I are hitting up Brokeback Mountain and The Squid and the Whale on Sunday. I’m going to see Mrs. Henderson Presents in a sneak preview with my aunt. And Saturday might involve Narnia, The Family Stone, Syriana, or some combination of those titles. And I have to finish watching The Good Thief on DVD.

In other news that I find exciting: Hard-Fi is coming to Toronto Jan. 20th and Hawksley Workman is here March 25th. 2006 concerts are already shaping up when you add Coldplay on March 22nd (and possibly on the 23rd as well).

Time to go home! Welcome to the weekend…

OVERRATED: Daisies- the loser flower.
UNDERRATED: Poinsettias. At least they’re poisonous.

“Am I buggin' you? I don't mean to bug ya...”


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