Wednesday, December 13, 2006

“Shot through the heart, And you're to blame, You give love a bad name”
-You Give Love a Bad Name, Bon Jovi

First to clarify: I didn’t have another bad dating experience last night, this song was playing on Breakfast Television and it’s now firmly in place in my head providing the background music to my day thus far. Nothing like a guitar riff in the morning.

Speaking of dates gone wrong, we all know who hasn’t gotten the hint and continues to contact me. Not only that, we got into an argument over Zanta yesterday on MSN when I argued for the fact that Zanta is not a lunatic or an idiot: he’s a performance “artiste” who knows very well what’s he’s doing however thin his shtick is wearing. And you know how much I love an argument, whether I’m right or…right…

I was witness to an awesome streetcar fight last night. In fact, the driver made everyone get off out of punishment. I didn’t think he could do that and was only mildly unimpressed because I was only a stop from where I wanted to get off anyway. The Christmas spirit is in the air in Toronto.

“I play my part and you play your game”

I’ve been dying to go out for such a long time. Now that Shane is bailing out (how like you) of the Cave on the 22nd I think I might head home early since I have a half day at work. Since there are 12 days to Christmas or thereabouts, I’ve begun pestering my parents for a new feline for Christmas. Each day I send them pictures of cats from the humane society for them to adopt for me. Perhaps this is why they haven’t responded to my emails or returned my phone calls.

Spurred on by Rolling Stone's
Top 100 Songs of Aught 6 ("Ooh La La" came out last year which is a serious bone I am picking) and a conversation avec Shane, here’s my two cents:

Top 5 Bands I Discovered in 2006 (and by “I discovered” I don’t mean in the “I’m Zach Braff and I’m going to take all the credit for The Shins” kind of way):

The Rifles
The Cribs
Tapes n’ Tapes
Tokyo Police Club (decidedly not from Tokyo, nor are they made up of police or clubs)
Gnarls Barkley

“No one can save me, The damage is done”


At 4:00 p.m., December 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should refer the YM to youtube or to; either will provide insight into the REAL zanta. I agree, not crazy at all, just a tad "off".

Regarding the Cats, I have several that I could bring home for you to

At 4:51 p.m., December 13, 2006, Blogger Rachel said...

I did refer him to AND several articles from acredited newspapers (ie. not the Star) highlighting Zanta's mental capacity. As if the YM hadn't already taken up too much of my time (much like your Sarsgaards), this would have been the final straw.

We'll cruise with booze for menz the next time you're in the T-dot.

At 10:59 a.m., December 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tapes N' Tapes are my boyfriends.


1. Tapes N Tapes
2. Arctic Monkeys
3. Phoenix
4. Bell Orchestre (sue me for being late to a party)
5. Decoder Ring

I love Gnarls, but no one really discovered them, they discovered EVERYONE in the world.


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