“Didn't know what time it was and the lights were low, I leaned back on my radio”
-Starman, David Bowie
If it’s Tuesday (and it is), it’s time for a list.
American TV channel TV Land made a list of the top 100 TV catchphrases. While I’m not exactly taking TVLand as the ultimate authority- they’re no AFI, afterall- some of their list does amuse me.
My favoutire is the: “Holy (whatever) Batman!”…not because I think it’s good but because they’ve placed that “whatever” in there as a substitute for a variety of words. Since I enjoy taking advantage of things, I’ve been using it all day saying things like, “Holy photocopiers, Batman!” or “Holy undead army of urban skanks, Batman!”
“I had to phone someone so I picked on you"
I really only used that “skanks” line to bring up a recent film that Carri, Cassandra, Yenni and I discovered. It’s called Skankz (as in “I’m on ur streetz, workin’ wit da skankz”) and it retails for a delicious $29.99 at Jac’s Milk on Roncesvalles. But it’s partially hidden behind that clever white piece of paper so children don’t see it. I assume the film is about Skanks, who work hard for their money-so hard for it honey- but get little respect. It’s the feel good comedy of the year. I actually think the little Chinese man who owns the store was more afraid of us than we were of him. Everything we acknowledged in the store, he would tell us a price for.. If I glanced at a container of Pringles, he would yell out an overpriced “4.99!” which also explains how we know how much Skankz would set us back.
...My office is next door to a psychic and the building is owned by this crazy old Eastern European woman who comes over almost every day to use the bathroom and the phone…I guess she’s the Toronto equivalent to Shane’s maid, except we don’t pay this woman and when she’s done using the phone, she insists on sitting on our lime green IKEA couch to chat. Apparently she’s showing up less because the guy she really liked no longer works here. I’ve become the bodyguard refusing to let her in by saying that the plumbing is broken so she can’t use the toilet (she is now convinced that there is a conspiracy in place by the city to get everyone to replace their pipes) or that someone spilled water over the couch so she can’t sit down. It amuses me in my downtime. She patted me on the head last week. Called me a good girl. If only she knew.
“He'd like to come and meet us, But he thinks he'd blow our minds”
Dan’s also got me obsessed with these shirts from threadless.com. I loves them the way I just shucked the YM (who keeps calling me).
And this is the Borat picture that makes me laugh every time I see it. I have it pinned up on my wall. I wonder if that bear eats marshmallows like the ones at Marineland. Just like they do in the wild….
Top 5 Songs for Ushering Crazy Women out of Your Office:
Say it Right- Nelly Furtado
Leave (Get Out)- Jojo
Get out!- Sublime
Leave Me Alone- Michael Jackson
Why Are You Alive?- The Vandals
Say it Right- Nelly Furtado
Leave (Get Out)- Jojo
Get out!- Sublime
Leave Me Alone- Michael Jackson
Why Are You Alive?- The Vandals
Whatever- I'm still laughing at that bear.
“There's a starman waiting in the sky”
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