Sunday, November 12, 2006

“How long now, Until the clouds unroll and you come home”
-The Saints are Coming, U2 & Green Day (yes, I know it’s a cover)

I’m angry.

To clarify: angrier than usual.

Well, maybe I’m not usually angry. Just generally stand-offish and disagreeable. Like a stubborn goat.

I’ve just been generally pissed off this week. I think it may have to do with the fact that I now have to go to work and be somewhere to perform menial tasks at a set place and time. And my usual routine of reading blogs and books, watching “The View,” and waking up at the crack of 1pm has been interrupted by my new job so I’ve lost all of my “me” time for now until I figure out how to blog online and chat on MSN (I’ve conquered emailing on the second day). But it also seems as though free long distance calls to Mairin and Natalie are out.

I’m also angry about boys in general, and we all know how much I love boys (and Boyz II Men). We’ll see.

“How long now, Until a weather change condemns belief”

And the bitter chill of impending winter is also making me, well, bitter. And the lack of concerts and events in the near future (except for you Jason Collett and Wicked). I seriously considered a pair $15 tickets to see Guns n’ Roses out of boredom, but somehow it just wouldn’t be that hilarious without someone random and amusing to go with like Shane, Dirk, or Nat. I think I just feel like complaining. I need to take my aggressions out at the Cave via some old-fashioned shoving and beer bottle throwing. Or Nat’s patented “Get out of my face, Ho” dance which looks more like the courting ritual of a giant orangutan.

I think I’m having more fun being pissed off about nothing than for any other reason. It gives me something to do in between watching Hook on TV and thinking about things I’d like to eat.

I think what all this really stems from is my missing The Grinch on TV yesterday. I know, it’ll be on a hundred times before Xmas, but I love it so. Sure, I could find my ghetto VHS tape of it, but that would be too easy. The Christmas season doesn’t officially begin until the Santa Claus Parade and one viewing of Home Alone. Luckily, I only have a week to wait and then I can gorge on marshmallow Santas (not Zantas). And I’ve scored the week off of work between Xmas and New Years to which I’ll more than likely be drunk or hungover the entire time and high on sugar from the amount of candy canes I’m going to eat.

But I have a new U2 album on the 21st to look forward to and hopefully Dirk is coming to stay with me to attend his U of T grad which will undoubtedly involve some Dance Caving. And the countdown for Eve to come home and play is on!

And there's Muppet's on TV, so now all is right with the world.

“I say no matter how I try, I realize there's no reply”


At 11:47 a.m., November 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did we boys do this time?

You can't just dangle the carrot like that and not follow through!


At 11:40 a.m., November 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't be down - i'll take you cave-dancing and all will be well!

the blogger formely known as laurendorphin


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