"Girlfriend in a coma, I know, I know - it’s serious"
-Girlfriend in a Coma, The Smiths
It was a girl on girl weekend. That is to say that I didn’t spend any time in the company of men, and spent a solid part of the weekend on the couch in the living room like a zombie watching movies with Carri.
Friday reunited me with Eve on Canadian soil for some shopping, catching up and your favourite and mine- Korean bimibap for dinner. We’ve already started making plans for the upcoming weeks and whence we head back to school for our Ryerson night course in film marketing in January. From there began what was essentially a weekend of chick flicks and theatre.
Aside from watching a staggering 7 movies (Derailed, Philadelphia, Now & Then, Shallow Hal, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Mean Girls, The Holiday, Ghostworld) which is by no means a personal record, I also caught a production of “Wicked” with my family- while not loving it as much as my roommate Cassandra who has seen it 6 times here and in New York, or Dan who has seen it twice and is willing to go again, I thought it was entertaining and was more impressed with the set design. I ‘m more excited for "The Phantom of the Opera" in March. And I'll just keep hoping "High Fidelity" comes to Toronto.
"Do you really think, She’ll pull through?"
I was originally planning on going home for the weekend after "Wicked," but after post-dinner shopping it was far too late and I was far too lazy to go home for such a limited time. We did have a rousing discussion over dinner about Zanta.
Instead my Sunday was free to see The Holiday with Carri. Although I have never been one to go out of my way to see a chick flick in theatres (unless it stars the loveable John Cusack, and its Must Love Dogs which is the last truly girly film I saw in theatres), I do enjoy looking at Jude Law and my other, non-Scareltt Johansson girl crush of Kate Winslet.
When you go to see a Sunday matinee of a film like The Holiday, you’re bound to be surround by single women and gay men. That, ina nutshell, was the entire audience, save for the one of two lone men who were dragged there by their wives and girlfriends, only to be later overheard saying things like, “Y’know I never like these films, but that one was good.” The movie was good, the movie was sappy, but that’s what I like at this time of year. And 2 out of 4 characters work in the film industry in the movie so there are lots of inside film jokes and even cameos by Dustin Hoffman and Lindsay Lohan. Carri and I then went home to complain about how the ladies in the film don’t seem to have any trouble or even have to exude any effort to have the men come to them. As it was so brilliantly put, “There are 4 girls in our house and we never have a single man knock at our door unless it’s the landlord, the landlord’s son, or the mailman.”
"I know - it’s serious"
Can anyone else explain how and/or why Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto made $14 million at the box office this weekend? Dude’s crazy.
Top 5 Tunes Stuck in My Head on a Rainy Monday:
Kicking the Heart Out- Rogue Wave
Which Way is Out- Razorlight
Somewhere Only We Know- Keane
Tomorrow- U2
If You Leave- OMD …(that’s the embarrassing one that keep replaying…)
PS> everyone’s covered for New Years tickets…
PPS> Just wanted to remind everyone that "Wang" is still the word of the year, so use it up before time runs out and we choose a new word for Aught 7
"Let me whisper my last goodbyes"
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