Monday, April 10, 2006

“I saw them stars go off, I saw them stars go off at night, and they're looking alright”
- I Turn My Camera On, Spoon

Just your usual day at the office and around the city- making paper clip men, going out with co-workers for a long lunch at Eggspectations for $3.99 grilled cheese sandwiches, picking up my Japan visa, making origami pianos and cups, and being grimaced at by a woman on the streetcar. Oh well. Soon I'll be off of this continent....28 days (and I don't mean that awful Sandra Bullock movie).

“I feel me slippin away”

Rusty and Natalie came for the weekend bearing goods from the Hershey Factory with Easter-y marshmallow goodness. We hit up Jack Astor’s for dinner and lo and behold, just as we sit down, the TV changes from golf coverage to- how can this be? Am I imagining this?- U2: Go Home, Live at Slane Castle. Made my chicken fingers even more delicious.

Saturday we shopped it up at Yorkdale. Well, Nat did all the shopping. I only managed to spend money on some Greek food for lunch and become irate at the amount of children. I came out of H&M and HMV unscathed, without any purchases. This saving money is a new thing for me and it’s working…but then again, I didn’t know about my massive income tax return at that point either, so we’ll see how this week goes. After dinner, we met up with Dirk at the Red Room for pitchers and more snacks. Deciding we were all either too old, too sick, too cheap, or too lazy to go out dancing, we called it a night after 1am. There is a chance that Dirk and I will be roommates for a brief weekend when his sublet moves in and he becomes homeless. Although with my parents moving out most of my personal stuff on April 29th for my sublet to move in May 1st, we will both have to sleep huddled together on the futon with throw pillows and random jackets and scarves of roommates past as blankets. And then find ourselves homeless May 1st before Dirk leaves for Amsterdam and before I move in with Dan and Carrie-Anne. We could possibly rectify this situation by a (Monday) night of heavy drinking and with then Dirk hopping on a plane, and me sleeping it off at work.

“I turn my camera oni cut my fingers on the way”

Sunday proved much lazier as we went out for waffles, and walked through the High Park zoo. I spotted blood on a fluffy brute’s horn and decried that there had been some gorging afoot. We then saw a deer that looked like Puivis with a big tuft of fur stuck to its antlers, proving again that there had been some beast on beast combat. Nat has the footage on film, so when I get a hold of the photographic evidence, I shall post it here. The weekend also allowed us to cover all of season 2 of "Arrested Development" in its entirety.

PS- Mairin and Shane, the David Hasselhoff email had me in tears, and Nat rolling on the floor. I especially liked the one about teh Hoff creating the phrase "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse"...

“You made me untouchable for life, yeah and you wasn't polite”


At 12:44 p.m., April 10, 2006, Blogger Lauren said...

Yay party before you and Dirk leave! I'll probably be back on April 29th or 30, so keep me posted on the drinking plans!

At 11:03 a.m., April 11, 2006, Blogger Rachel said...

Dirk is going to Amsterdam with the family May 2.

"David Hasselhoff can count backwards from infinity."


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