Monday, March 27, 2006

"Good morning starshine, the earth says hello"
-Good Morning Starshine, Hair the musical

It was a relatively understated and highly enjoyable weekend thanks to Dan, Lauren, and Rusty, a Japanese dinner, beer, and a documentary on beavers, those majestic kings of the North.

With my impending day of birth around the corner, my mom came into the city to take Rusty and I out for my birthday dinner. Although we were originally going to go to the Sultan’s Tent for Moroccan cuisine, we decided that a Japanese dinner at Benihana at the Royal York was much more fun- and it’s not like I’m going to get that once I’m in Japan… I had never been before, but it was like going to dinner and a show because the chef cooks right in front of you on a steel hibachi grill that seats 7 people around its edge. Knives were flipping in the air, zucchini was being chopped, and onion volcanoes were spewing steam. Highly entertaining and delicious food.

From there, Rusty and I met up with Dan and Lauren and headed over to the Green Room for pitchers and talk of "Arrested Development" and the National Playlist, two of my favourite subjects. We moved over to the Dance Cave and suffered a casualty in line in the form of Dan who gave up waiting to get in after about 45 minutes and went home. Dan doesn’t dance so I’m surprised he made it that long. The three of us continued waiting and got in 10 minutes later, only to be disappointed and complain about the poor choice of music. We’re talking techno. As Lauren appropriately put it, “Is this the same place that plays “London Calling?” Because we’re troopers, we stuck it out for over and hour but only because a few promising songs by Weezer, The Ramones, and Bloc Party had crept into the playlist. Even though we waited in line, the place was nowhere near as packed as usual and it was filled with young people. Maybe we’re all just getting old. I blame March Break, reading Week, and whatever else lets the kids out of school. Damn kids.

The only thing of note on Sunday was that I watched an informative documentary on beavers and their mad dam building skillz after having been thoroughly depressed by "Grey’s Anatomy" (even though it was a rerun). Now I’m just craving beavertails and a good swim.

And I still haven’t uploaded any Coldplay footage, so here’s another Oasis video:

"You twinkle above us, We twinkle below"


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