Wednesday, March 08, 2006

“Get outta my dreams, Get in to my car”
-Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car, Billy Ocean (aka one of the worst songs ever written)

I got bit by a miniature collie this morning. I was waiting for the streetcar and the thing bit me on the leg. I hit it with a copy of Dose. It’s man said, “Watch what you’re doing with that paper!” I replied, “Watch what your dog is doing with it’s teeth or I’ll boot it across the street.” It was an empty threat because as we know, I’m athletically challenged and could never kick a dog far. Then there’s the whole moral issue of kicking a dog... The dog’s name was Ray. I love animals named after people, hence my own cat Tony, named after Tony Danza, and fish Jean-Luc Brossard, may he rest in peace.

Smooth operator, Touch my bumper”

And I totally forgot I rent to the ROM (or the Royal Ontario Museum if you're acronym challenged) on Friday afternoon until I had a horrible dream about this disgusting gremlin thing I saw there called an Aye Aye:

It has fingers that will gouge out your eyes and it’s teeth will gnaw though bone. Stay away from Madagascar (the island and the movie). But this gremlin is endangered so it’ll be dead soon.

“I said open the door, Get in the back”


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