Sunday, February 26, 2006

"Stop being so American, There's a time and there's a place, So James Dean, So blue jeans, Gonna save the world"
-Helicopter, Bloc Party

In Soviet Russia, car drives you!

I've added new links so look at them.

The most important is the link for
Carbon Dating Service, Mairin's 9 member band (as opposed ot a one-man band, although if Mairin ever fronts a one-man band, I'd dig it). So get on your 99 cent pants and rock out.

MC Hammer Blog. Yes it really is him. Yes we do share the same birthday. "Please Hammer Don' Hurt 'Em." Laugh. I own it.

What I Learned Today... Helping us learn new fascinating facts, daily!

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. We are all creations of the FSM. Also a great deal about pirates. Right up my alley. I'm a believer.

That's the news. I'm listening to Madonna and The Smiths, cleaning my room, and kicking ass at the
Pop Secret Indie Film Trivia Challenge and my Hollywod Stock Exchange portfolio is booming. I will probably spend the rest of the afternoon watching the closing Olympic ceremonies and creating an album cover for Carbon Dating Serivce, so wish me luck.

"Are you hoping for a miracle? "


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