Monday, February 20, 2006

"We can dance if we want to, we've got all your life and mine, As long as we abuse it we are never going to lose it, And everything will work out right"
-Safety Dance, Men Without Hats (would be better if they were called Men Without Souls)

I'm soooo unbelieveably tired and lazy. I won't go to the grocery store to buy food so I'm going to eat crackers and whatever else I can find in the cupboard tonight for dinner. I think I may have seen a box of green jell-o that I was too lazy to make this summer. I live like a king. A "Damn Hell Ass King" (that fulfills my Simpsons quote quota for the day).

I apologise for not having any amazing adventures in the vein of the 99 cent pants and girdles episode lately, but it's February, my least favourite month and it isn't ripe for adventure. Case in point- all i did this weekend is watch movies. Crappy movies. That's what happens when you're in Quebec and you have to take what you can get in English. Like War of the Worlds, Proof, and Dark Water. Toss up between which I hate more- I would go with War of the Worlds due to the bloodthirsty Tom Cruise factor and Dakota Fanning who screamed through the entire movie. her name was also Rachel which made me hate her character more because I have only once met another Rachel I liked. And crazy Tim Robbins was acting so crazy in the film that even I had to give him the "Tim Robbins."

"Say, we can act if we want to, if we don't nobody will"

I'm still sick as usual and my new bedroom is really cold compared to the tropical climate of my last bedroom (both Eve and Shane can attest to the temperature being 10 degrees higher than the rest of the house). And I have decided that I really miss having Reading Week, not for the reading but for the sleeping.

"We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind, 'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance, Well they're no friends of mine" (so true)

And I haven't learned anything new today, other than a few key Japanese phrases and the fact that someone drew a swastika on Errol Flynn's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As we all know, if it was 1923, I'd be all over Errol Flynn. He's so much nicer than smary Clark Gable anyway. I've also decided that my costume for Halloween Aught Six will be either a member of the band Devo (which I tried to organize last year) or a member of the band Men Without Hats. I could dress up as a man a la Mairin in Aught Four sans a hat and play "Safety Dance" on a loop. I think I'm clever. I'm full of good ideas. I need to stop being so random.

"Say, we can go where we want to, a place that they will never find"


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