Friday, February 03, 2006

“I've been working all week I'm tiredI've been working all week and I'mJust living for the weekend”
-Living for the Weekend, Hard-Fi

So glad it’s finally Friday. It took a long time in getting here and all I want right now is a nap. And possibly some date squares. But right now naked guy is out and about in front of his condo window and I can see him, as usual, from my desk. Yesterday there was a shirtless guy in shorts crawling around on the floor in front of his window. These are the things I’ll miss about my job as opposed to the actual job that I am supposed to be doing.

“So my clothes are all counterfeit”

It was clothing swap day at work. It’s exactly what it sounds like. You bring in stuff you don’t want, or never liked in the first place, and find stuff to trade others for. The leftovers are going to Goodwill. I brought in a bag of crap and am leaving with about half a bag of other people’s cast-offs. Not too shabby. There was lots of stuff that still had price tags on, proving that I’m surrounded by other compulsive shoppers.

“Working all the time, work is such a bind”

A group of us girls went out for lunch afterwards and with 3 mothers, 1 impending birth, and 2 of us with babies the furthest things on our minds (we were actually both thinking of Bono, I’m sure), we had a lot of fun conversations.

“I've got some money I just got paidI got some money and I can't wait”

I’m starting to actually put plans into motion for Japan. I know it’s only a little over 3 months, but I love procrastinating so if I get things rolling now, it means that while I’ll still be running around the day before my flight, I just won’t have to run as fast. I’m starting to make doctor’s appointments and things and starting to fill out the visa forms and the like. And odd coincidence of the week- I run into Natalie, former res fellow and film major from Carleton who I haven’t spoken to in about a year but just sent her an email last week re: Japan because she also lived there for a year. I ran into her on the corner of Queen and Church, right out front of my work – not that I literally work on the corner of Queen and Church- when we were on our way back from our late lunch. Weird coincidence since she doesn’t even live in the city.

“Can you feel it? Feel the pressure rising”

And as usual, I like to read the “Weird News” section on Yahoo. My a favourite story of the day was that an Australian company is selling
gift wrapped lobsters, or "Lobster's for Lovers" if you will, for Valentine’s Day. I don’t know about you, but if I got a lobster for Valentine’s Day, it would be the best gift ever. Although no word on whether the lobster is dead or alive. It could be a surprise. I do have a fondness for Mr. Pinchy (spellcheck keeps trying to change it to Mr. Paunchy which is ludicrous for a lobster), my stuffed lobster from Maine and his namesake who was boiled to death in a bath on The Simpsons.

“You can't come in so go home boys”

I’m still not feeling that motivated to do much this weekend other than 2 loads of laundry, but I’m thinking about going to see Cache with Sofia or Match Point. More than likely I’m just going to go home, crawl in bed, and finish watching the Hulk. Seriously. I also had a nightmare about oranges last night. I’m not sure if that was a result of Nick Nolte in first half of the Hulk or what. Like actual oranges and not like Oompa Loompas who, while they are orange, are not in fact oranges. Maybe it’s just displaced anxiety about Jean-Luc Brossard.

“When it gets too much, I live for the rush”

And also, a shout out is deserved for the new marketing assistant of Ford Mexico- the Mexican! Congrats. Can you even drive?

Top 5 iPod randomly Shuffled iPod Songs of the Day (and they honestly came up in this order, and yes, I am not embarrassed to admit the random songs that appeared in the middle of the playlist):

Here Nor There- Andy Stochansky (he reminds me of Mark Ruffalo for no apparent reason. And I don't like Mark Ruffalo.)
She Blinded Me with Science- Thomas Dolby
Nothings Going to Stop us Now- Jefferson Starship
Bye Bye Baby- Bay City Rollers
Hindi Sad Diamonds- Moulin Rouge (Nicole Kidman)

“Just living for the weekend”


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