“I can't wait to go, Back into Japan..."
-What You Waiting For, Gwen Stefani
Wow. When I woke up yesterday morning, Japan was a distant possibility and I was still contemplating whether or not I would make it there. What a difference 12 hours makes.
Angered at the fluctuating price of Air Canada tickets and realizing how upset I was at not being able to go with ticket prices raising overnight, I knew that going to Japan was my new goal. So, just casually researching flights and trying to restructure my plans to go for less time in able to afford my stay, I found an even better deal. But I had to act fast since the longer I waited, the less options and seats were available. Problem number one was that there is a 13 hour time difference between Toronto and Japan so I would have to book a ticket without confirming dates with my future roommate Eve. Problem two was that my parents are in Florida and I couldn’t get a hold of them.
The first problem wasn’t so much of a concern because we had discussed general times when I would potentially like to arrive in Japan. The second problem was taken care of by 4 unanswered calls to my mom’s cell phone until she picked up the 5th time with me in a frenzy. I relayed the previous day’s events- the old lady I helped and the running out of gas fiasco. Then the important question: “So it’s cool if I go to Japan for the summer, right?” My mom agreed amid cheers from my aunt and Nana in the background. Hopefully they told my dad.
My manager came over just as I hung up the phone and informed me that my contract would be over as of March 31st due to all the changes that were going on in the office. That sealed my fate and I immediately booked my flight. I got a sweet return flight to Tokyo for under $1000, waaaay cheaper than I had even budgeting, so I instantly gained $100. I will be spending the summer in Fukushima, living with Eve. I leave May 9th and arrive the next day which is coincidently Bono’s birthday so you know how pleased that makes me. And I will be in Japan until Sept 27th when Eve and I will return together. I’m planning on getting a working holiday visa so I can work part time and supplement my travel and living expenses. I have mad skillz that can easily be translated into the Japanese workforce. Here is a picture of Eve's yellow apartment, which is soon to be my place of residence:

“Osaka, Tokyo, You Harajuku girls, Damn, you've got some wicked style...”
That’s my exciting news. Instantly I started racking my brain for what shoes I would bring, what U2 CDs I can’t live without (October and Joshua Tree for sure), DVDs I need (Bail Out!), and what books I could bring on the plane to keep me and my short attention span occupied. I also miss the U2 concert in Japan by a month. Figures, I go to Japan and miss them by a few weeks. I love doing random things that are spontaneous and this probably beats everything.
So without further adieu, my favourite Mark Twain quote which coincidently, an awesome co-worker and well-traveled ex-documentary filmmaker recited to me when I told her the good news:
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you
did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the
safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
“What you waiting for!?”
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