“I would go out tonight, but I haven't got a stitch to wear”
-This Charming Man, The Smiths
Where do I even begin to describe the past two days…
I’ll do this in two posts because there’s lots of pictures!
Tuesday night Dirk, Mairin, Shane and I met at the Horseshoe Tavern for drinks with two of Mairin’s ‘Toon friends. Relatively overpriced beer, but lots of fun because of the aforementioned interview with Dirk in Dose. On my way to meet Dirk, I was on the streetcar and I happened to look down and see a woman standing on Dirk’s face on a torn page of Dose on the floor. I rescued Dirk and brought him to the bar with me where we then proceeded to cut him out in a heart shape and pose for pictures with him. And of course, the usual silliness which comes with beer and a tequila shot I had done before leaving the apartment.

I "Heart" Dirk
Mairin hearts Dirk
“A jumped-up pantry boywho never knew his place”
There were some bands on stage, but we paid little attention to them, except for Mairin who took a picture of shirtless, hairy, sweaty guy on stage. There were also sightings of Degrassi: The Next Generation cast members, not that I would have recognized them, which I guess is bad considering I work in the Canadian television industry and my company has a hand in that show. Oh well. Dirk had to leave us because he is a slave to the educational establishment and had class in the a.m., so we moved onwards to the Red Room for a pitcher and nachos. And more general silliness. I remember laughing, but can’t quite remember at what. I used to remember almost everything that happened when I was drunk (except for where I live and how to get there) but I think being drunk for 4 of the past 6 days has shot my memory. Oh well. That’s why I take pictures.
From there we called it an evening and made our way back to the other end of the city. I took Wednesday off of work to go shopping with Mairin, which was one of the most productive days of my life in so many ways. How so? You’ll have to come back tomorrow. And I have to give Mairin a shout out, because every photo I took of her was flattering, except of course those ones where she tried to make unflattering faces...

In other good news, the Golden Globes are on TV on Monday and Natalie and I are the proud owners of tickets to the Feist and Broken Social Scene concert on Jan 21st, as well as tickets for the Hard-Fi concert on the 20th. It’ll be a good weekend indeed, and I have just enough time to recover from the past few weeks of partying.
“Why pamper life's complexities when the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat?”
UNDERRATED: Heart shaped photos of Dirk.
“He knows so much about these things”
I love that song!
the end
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