I opened up my copy of Dose today while eating some Skittles, when lo and behold, what doth appear? An interview with Dirk, by Shane, complete with a rather good picture of Dirk. Here's Shane's article form the Dose website (alas, no picture online) which was about viewers' reactions to the election debates.
Dirk Druet is a graduate student in the University of Toronto’s political science program. He spent the past four years working on Parliament Hill while finishing his undergraduate degree.
Over the shouting of several bystanders cracking wise, Dirk Druet was able to finally give some serious commentary on last night’s debates.
“(Stephen) Harper made his values clear, but I think the others were able to expose those values as backward and too aggressive,” he said. “(Paul) Martin was successful at defending his record as prime minister since 2003 and wasn’t rattled by the others’ attacks.
While the Liberal and Conservative leaders attacked each other, they were able to differentiate themselves on a policy level, instead of focusing on the scandals.
“I think it’s clear that it’s a two-horse race at this point,” Druet said. “I don’t think (NDP Leader Jack) Layton did a good enough job distancing himself from the other two and (Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles) Duceppe wasn’t concerned with presenting any kind of federalist views on the whole.” — shane mcneil/dose Toronto
I'm on my way out to see the aforementioned people and Mairin. Obivous mockery will ensue, so look for details and pictures in the next few days.
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