"Creeps keep crawlin', Drunks keep fallin'"
-Rocks, Primal Scream
Ahh, the weekend: bidding adieu to one friend, welcoming another, karaoke, three people in my bed, Wayne's World, two nights at Dance Cave, and 5 hours of sleep since Friday.
Friday was Eve's final day in Toronto to spend with us before she left for Japan on Sunday. We
decided that I would meet Eve for some shopping and a late dinner as she go toff her train from Montreal. After some frantic shopping 30 minutes before the mall closed, we went to the Pickle Barrel for dinner. Since they didn't serve beer in pitchers and we wanted to get our drink on early before heading to Dance Cave, we went for the "large" beer which we told was about 2 pints. They called it the half-yard, and it was actually, a half yard tall.
Needless to say, that amount of beer did not mix too well with my feta soaked Greek Salad and the 2 hard-boiled eggs it came with (which I tried to pass off to Eve and instead just buried them under the lettuce because so I didn't have to look at them). Somewhere around a quarter of a yard of beer left, Shane called and said he was meeting us. Already quite intoxicated we informed him of the half yards. But alas, by the time Shane met us, the waitress had told us to go upstairs to the bar/lounge to drink where they did not have half yards. Oh well. When there's no half yards to be found, regular bottles of beer will suffice.
"Strip joints full of hunchbacks"
Back to Dance Cave with expired student ID cards to get in for free for the usual, including more beer and one Marty "McFly" for Eve to Dance with. I also lost my very soft and warm mittens which I purchased at Dollarama. Some point after we stumbled out at 2am, it was decided that the night was still young and we could do with some more booze at my place. Wayne's World drinking games gave way to just Shane and I drinking while Eve battled allergies. Moving to the more cat-free setting of my room- which is also much warmer than the living room- we continued watching Wayne's World gathered in my bed. Sometime around 5:15am it was decided to sleep, although I think only Eve actually got some sleep. I guesstimate and hour's worth on my part, not because there were 2 other people in my bed but when I'm drunk, I don't sleep. I just laugh. At Eve snoring. And have terrible dreams about what were possibly animatronic monkeys with very sharp teeth who made the same sounds as Eve's snoring (sorry Eve, I know it was the allergies, but you provided many a laugh for myself and Shane).
When Shane and I decided to stop pretending we were sleeping around 10am, we discovered that pay it Forward was on TV, and decidedly paid it forward by watching the movie while Eve slept on.
Goodbyes were said to Eve as it was time for her to return back to Japan for another 8 months. I'll miss you! Thanks for the Hello Kitty toilet paper, underwear, kleenex and the memories! 
"Ain't no use in prayin', That's the way it's stayin'"
And if only that were the end of my weekend adventures. But the year Aught Six is full of occasions to drink. Case in point: Mairin's arrival from the Sask for a few days.

Mairin, Shane and I thought we'd meet Dirk and the Good Alana (if you don't know why she's the Good one and not the Bad Alana, then consider yourself lucky) at revival, when lo and behold, we arrived there only to see that they had their license suspended. Ditto for Mod Club across the street. There was only one thing to do: drink miniature vodka bottles (thank you Shane) and make our way to Dance Cave. And of course, we had all been drinking before we met up, and I had also indulged in a number of wine gums, although they contain no wine whatsoever. We found Dirk by yelling his name when we reached the area he should have been in. At this point in time there is nothing in my stomach but alcohol, baked goods, and wine gums.
And then we snuck into the long line outside the Cave by the surprise, "Oh Good! Where have you been? We've been waiting for you!" as we took turns sidling up to one another near the fron
t of the line. Alana met us there and the fun continued via more beer, Mairin humping people, and one incident where I thought it would be a good idea for Mairin to climb on my back. Of course, I was barely standing upright myself. You can imagine how that ended.
"Dealers keep dealin', Thieves keep thievin'"
At 2:30am when the Cave was over, we wandered the streets of Korea Town looking for food, when what should we stumble upon but a Korean Karaoke bar with private rooms. Many drunken songs were sung with the highlights being Hungry Eyes (no She's Like the Wind), Mmmm Bop, and several other gems that I can't remember. But I did capture some drunken video of the event.
You may think that was the end of the evening, but nay, for we found sustenance in the form of a diner where everything came with smoked meat. So at about 5am I had a plate of french fries with gravy for breakfast, technically. From there I arrived at home at 5:45am, after not being able to catch a cab from Keele and having a weird man ask me for cigarettes on my street.

This is just he beginning and I wil have more tales of adventures with Mairin this week.
"Shake it now now, get them off downtown"
Sorry Eve...next time you're back in TO and we wander through Korea Town drunk, we can go. You can sing Mr. Roboto to me and I'll get it.
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