Tuesday, February 14, 2006

“When I saw my best friend yesterday, She said she never liked you from the start”
-Your Woman, White Town

Okay I apologize for the lack of bloggage but I’m actually busy at work. Or I’m lazy. Take your pick. (It actually is the former). So sorry for the unreturned emails, and non-postings. My bad.

But I don’t have anything to say really. It’s Valentine’s Day and Virgin Mobile had all these free valentines in the paper so I’ve been hoarding them and will crack them out months later when they are no longer relevant and far more humourous and mail them to people. Nothing says funny like valentines in July. Just like that tradition that Dan and I had for giving irrelevant cards for birthdays- ie. Congratulations on your retirement. Rusty and I are going out for dinner and that’s it for V-Day. I was one of those kids in elementary school who gave valentines to everyone in the class so no one would feel left out. I still have some real gems that I’ve kept from people I laugh at now, so maybe my intentions aren’t always that pure. Or I just keep far too much crap. I also have a profound and unexplained hatred for Valentine’s Day, much like my hatred for Jennifer Aniston, George Clooney, and anything and everyone associated with Everybody loves Raymond (with the exception of the great Peter Boyle whose generous screen credits outweigh the horror of ray Romano). And to a lesser extent, Mark Ruffalo, who I, while I cannot explain why, have a distaste for him, as opposed to a Julia Roberts-style hatred. I also hate Meg Ryan but I have my reasons.

“Just tell me what you’ve got to say to me, I’ve been waiting for so long to hear the truth”

And I might head off to the movies tonight to see Munich again because it’s playing at the festival theatre right by my house which means it’s cheap. This is what happens in February/March- I end up seeing movies twice because there’s nothing else worth paying to see and I get cinema cravings. Or there’s always Match Point. I think I’ll waltz through Chinatown tonight and see what’s for sale on the street.

I’m going to the outskirts of Montreal on Friday so that should provide some interesting events like cows birthing smaller cows, and I’ll get to see my chicken, Gregory Peck. This is what happens when you visit a farm.

“So much for all your highbrow Marxist ways”

And because I keep eating all this saltwater taffy here at work, I have composed a list of songs that I have enjoyed listening to while eating the saltwater taffy on Valentine’s Day:

Top 5 Playlist of o’ the day:

All By Myself- Jamie O’Neill (for Dan on Valentine’s Day)
Dancing with Myself- Billy Idol
Save Me- Aimee Man
This is the Last Time- Keane
The Way You Make Me Feel- Michael Jackson (for a creepy Valentine’s Day with young boys)

“I could never spend my life with a man like you”


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