“Get on your dancing shoes, There's one thing on your mind”
-Dancing Shoes, Arctic Monkeys
Everyone make sure you watch Arrested Development tonight at 8pm. It’s the funniest show since The Simpsons and equally absurd. It’s probably the last time it will ever be on TV, so watch it while you can. Then rent/download seasons 1 and 2 and you’ll be hooked. Dan got me obsessed with it last month so tonight we are celebrating and watching the 2 hour finale together. You don’t want to watch the Olympic Opening ceremonies anyway- God knows it’ll be on every news channel for the next 2 days anyway. That’s my shameless plug, but seriously, we should all be so lucky if “That’s Our Dirk!” is anywhere near as funny as AD (case in point: Franklin the puppet sings “It ain’t easy being white…” with Gob; a loose seal wearing a yellow bowtie bites off buster’s hand and it gets replaced with a hook). So sad if that’s it forever, especially an awesome show with 2 Canadians on it (Will “Gob” Arnett & Michael “George Michael” Cera).

Also, hilarious sound clips.
I never wrote a post Grammy post so all I really have to say is that I’m glad U2 won all 5 awards they were up for, Bono looked circa 1993 hot, and someone forgot to tell Mary J. Blige that “one” is not a duet. And I’m sick of Jamie Foxx, who I never liked in the first place.
Nothing else exciting planned for this weekend- I’m going to my parent’s house because I don’t have any food and I need to do laundry. I also want to go to The Book Depot in St. Catharines, which I can never actually find and always end up driving past it once I declare myself lost and give up. And nothing really funny has happened to me in the past few days which is sad because I usually have some sort of encounter. Although I do have several bandaids on my fingers due to an incredible amount of paper cuts so maybe I’m scaring people off. They’re all free work bandaids but maybe I did go overboard and it’s getting hard to type with them on my fingers. Maybe my parents will feel bad for me and feed me this weekend.
Dan, Carrie-Anne and I got tickets to the Franz Ferdinand/Death Cab for Cutie show in April today- so much for saving money! And the show is already sold out. And I found something else to spend my money on- the new Hollywood issue of Vanity Fair is out this week and while I susually can’t stand Vanity Fair, it’s full of pictures of people I like, like Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, and Eric Bana (in a speedo). Pictures/articles here.
87 Days until I leave for Japan….
“But keep pretending to dance”
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