“Get on your dancing shoes, There's one thing on your mind”
-Dancing Shoes, Arctic Monekys
I realized that this past weekend was the absolute last free weekend I had until the weekend prior to leaving for Japan. It’s just happened that I have plans and places to go or people who are coming to see me for the next 6 weekends. I haven’t had an entirely free weekend since the beginning February where there was nowhere specific for me to go. It was since to not have to do anything for once.
“And so I exchange a glance, Looking pretending to dance”
Kicked off Friday night by catching V for Vendetta with Dan at the IMAX. I haven’t been to the IMAX in a long time, and never to see a non-IMAX movie like the one on Niagara Falls which I have seen about 12 times due to school field trips and many visiting relatives. I completely forgot that IMAX screenings come with a seizure-inducing laser show as they demonstrate the technology. At one point I turned to Dan and said, “Is it just me or is it filling up with smoke in here?” Sure enough, some dry ice was used in the laser show. Weird. Anyway, the movie was decent. I’d give it a B grade on the scale of things. It was pretty much all of 1984 (one of my favourite books of all-time) mixed in with Guy Fawkes Day. If you’re not of British ancestry and don’t know The Simpsons reference of “I wish everyday could be Guy Fawkes Day”, then Guy Fawkes is a dude who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament some 400 years ago.
I really liked Stephen Rea and thought that he was the star of the film, but then again, I do have a bias for the Irish. V is an entertaining movie and I love the posters that they have for it since it looks like Russian Revolution-type block prints. I usually don’t care for Natalie Portman as an actress (“You ruin Garden State!” is what I often yell a the TV) There is one terrible scene that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the film stylistically and is ripped straight out of the Matrix (which I hate) but I guess from a screenplay written by the men responsible for the Matrix, we’re lucky there was only one scene in there. But yeah, read "1984" and you basically get the idea of the film. And I can see a sea of Guy Fawkes masks next Halloween just like those pesky Scream masks for the days of yore.
Saturday was productive in the shopping vein, while on Sunday, Sofia and I discovered that there was a marathon of "Project Runway" on. So from 10am to 8pm, we sat and watched them all, save for a few breaks in between for food, laundry, and phone calls.
“The lights are flashing, Down in here tonight”
Tonight should be much more interesting- Dan, Carrie-Anne and I are going to see Oasis and the Arctic Monkeys at the ACC. Why we’re going, I’m not really sure since I could really care less for Oasis. I just hope that some sort of fight breaks out on stage and the brothers Gallagher start smashing beer bottles on each other’s heads. One can dream. I’m kind of excited to see the Arctic Monkeys although I feel that their show could go either way since most of their songs sound the same, and I only really like about half of their album. Time will tell. I'm more excited for the Coldplay show on Wednesday.
I’ve also had several good ideas for names for my Japan travel blog (thanks mostly to Shane), but still haven’t decided because I’m lazy. But I will get my travel blog up and running eventually. Or this could just be another one of my empty promises.
“The only reason that you came, So what ya scared for?”
I would like you to know that Will Arnett from Arrested Development is filming in Montreal and I'm stalking him. Also, I'm coming to Toronto on Wednesday and we should Dance Cave it up at some point!
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