Monday, March 13, 2006

“I am a D.J., I am what I play Can't turn around no, can't turn around”
-DJ, David Bowie

I’m one step and 56 days closer to Japan. I took Friday off to take care of a few visa requirement things like getting a doctor’s note to say that I’m not bringing foreign disease into the country and I won’t drop dead once I’m there, visa photos and all that jazz. I also took the opportunity to milk my medical benefits before they disappear when my job ends by getting new glasses and visiting the orthodontist. See, I did have a fun weekend. I actually like going to the dentist and the optometrist.

“I'm home, lost my job, and incurably ill You think this is easy, realism”

My plans have altered slightly, as it now seems that I will be spending my first night on Japanese soil, alone crying in a hostel, thanks to Eve. Okay, not really. Previously Eve and her mom were meeting me at the airport because they were arriving from Thailand on the same day. Now their plans have changed, leaving me a Stranger in a Strange Land (U2 reference if you care to sing along). Now I have to figure out what I’m going to do and how I’m going to do it. I’ll be lugging all my worldly possessions (read: U2 CDs and my DVDs) around with me. I’m also toying with just staying the entire weekend. I’ll spend this afternoon looking up hotels and hostels. Although Tokyo might not be that fun to wander around alone, so who wants to join me? Just meet me in Tokyo on May 10th (Bono’s birthday).

“Time flies when you're having fun”

And because Eve is going to Thailand with her mom and my mom and aunt are going without me, I need someone to go with. Who wants to meet me there? If the movies like Brokedown Palace and The Beach have taught us anything, it’s that Thailand is a great place to visit where nothing but good times can be had. I also want to get to Cambodia while I’m on that side of the globe, but flight are a bi t more money. Of course, I should concentrate on finding a job first, but it’s not like me to make logical plans anyway. Finding a travel partner is more on the forefront of my thoughts.

“I think she's dancing, what do I know?”

And since this post if heavy on the U2-isms, it should be stated that U2’s Japan/Australia leg of their tour had been postponed, meaning that if they reschedule it, I might go see them in Japan. Screw seeing Coldplay in Osaka.

It’s also 15 degrees outside today which make me happy.

“Fast food, living nostalgia”

And because I usually make empty promises, here’s a video of Stars performing “One More Night” at The Docks March 1st:

I’m far from the stage- the Ottawa show of April ’04 was much better for so many reasons- but it’s all about the music, man.

“I am a D.J., and I've got believers”

Top 5 Playlist of the Day:

DJ- David Bowie
Denial Twist- The White Stripes
Shine a Light- Wolf Parade
Changes Are No Good- The Stills
Stuck In the Middle With You- Steeler’s Wheel

“Break his heart, break her heart”


At 11:24 a.m., March 14, 2006, Blogger Lauren said...

Hey Rachel, I found this via Shane's thing. I'm new at it but I love what I see here! I'm coming to Toronto next week (March 21-25) - do you think you and Dirk et al will be hitting Dance Cave?


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