Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"I don't want clever conversation, I never want to work that hard, I just want someone that I can talk to, I want you just the way you are"
-Just the Way You Are, Billy Joel

Okay, since I love both lists and bandwagons, here goes my Top 20 albums, as propsed by the McNeils...a good 12 are incredibly predictable and an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of typewriters would have chosen those too.

Using a mathematical equation (or what I assume a mathematical equation would look like since I spent my formulative math years making lists and playing 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon which has been infinitely more useful than the multiplication tables, but I digress...) I whittled my favourites into a Top 20. It made me realize that I listen to a lot of "Best Ofs" and "Greatest Hits" and live albums, which I had to leave off, as per the rules of the game, and also made me have to choose second and third favourites. I decided I would make my choices based on my Top 100 Songs of All-Time List and go from there with the songs that I can't live without when making some crucial decisions. In no particular order, other than the order I thought them up in...

Okay, so why no Johnny Cash, or where is Kind of Blue? Because as much as I LOVE songs by Cash or Miles Davis, they placed lower on my list of greatest songs than say, "Watching the Detectives" or "You Can't Always Get What You Want." And surprise, no Duran Duran- although I love them- they don't have an album that I love enough as a whole. There are a few that I could change, but happen to be feeling a particular one at this moment in time, like Hard-Fi. And we all know I could have made this list entirely out of The Clash, U2, REM, and Bowie.

"You always have my unspoken passion, Although I might not seem to care"


At 3:33 p.m., April 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

those are some good record choices. i see alot of my favorites! well done

sorry i don't have a webpage to give you. nice to meet you

henry from ohio


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