“Well you must be a girl with shoes like that”
-Chelsea Dagger, The Fratellis
I forgot how gross winter was. Now that we’ve had our first winter storm and everything is thick with ice, I’m ready for spring. I’m all bundled up in my horrid fluffy boots and mittens. And I can’t seem to shake this stupid cold. I’m usually sick- if I ever am sick- for maybe 3 days at the most, but here I am a week later, still sick and still complaining about being sick. My only consolation is that it’s not the stomach flu which has been going around.
And I’ve had my first contest win of 2007: a shiny new Maybelline lip gloss. Score! I’m winning the way Borat wins Golden Globes.
Speaking of which, the GG’s weren’t that exciting except for Babel winning Best Picture, the dreadful Eddie Murphy winning Supporting Actor, Hugh Laurie with the funniest acceptance speech as I’m inclined to forget he’s both British and a comedian first and foremost, and then there was Justin Timberlake’s hilarious “acceptance” of an award on behalf of Prince, that clever imp. I’m just happy Forrest Whittaker won for Last King of Scotland which has to be one of the best performances I’ve seen in years. And the whole Tom Hanks' excessive use of the word "balls" was in a word, awesome. AND I got to see Sarsgaard (even if he looks evil here):
I had a fieldtrip at work yesterday to the underground PATH to hand out hats for our show. I couldn’t give these free hats away at first. I had everything from long pauses with “No” to “Ummmm I already have lots of hats.” At the end, I was surrounded by people, their hands reaching around me, groping for a free toque or ball cap. I was in the lions den. They went wild. It was all I could do to keep from throwing the contents of the box up in the air and yelling “Scramble!” Then I went shoe shopping on company time. Whether the hats helped our ratings on CBC (not likely since it was up against the season premiere of “24” and the Globes), who cares- I got a free hat out of it and 90 minutes out of the office.
I’m already behind in my homework for my movie marketing class and it’s only the 2nd week of class. It’s nice to know some things never change.
“Call me up take me down with you”
Top 5 Songs o’ the Morn to Make Work less Miserable (aka "I need some new bands" mix):
Young Bride- Midlake
In Houston- Tapes n’ Tapes
Detective Daughter- Emily Haines
Stars of CCTV- Hard-fi
Hometown Blues- The Rifles
“That all the boys get lonely after you leave”
ewwwww winter. i second the awesomeness of babel though. where's mcneil on the pics contest this year? that's a LIST and a CONTEST in one!
can't wait to see you saturday!
- l boogie
MIDLAKE!!! They're the new awesome! Some new bands to try on for size...
- DeVotchka
- The Blow
- Memphis
- T.Rex (yes, not new... but surprisingly awesome)
- Neutral Milk Hotel
Neutral Milk Hotel...possibly the best band name since Carbon Dating Service?
PS. My officemate loves Carbon Mating Cervix blasted from my portable iPod speakers. It's like I'm shilling CDs...
PPS> My Oscar nom picks are done.
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