Monday, January 08, 2007

The Heat is On
“Caught up in the action I've been looking out for you, Tell Me Can You Feel it, the heat is on Oh it's on the street”
-Glenn Frey

Welcome to Aught VII.
It’s back to a regular schedule now that everyone has departed from the T-Dot and the festivus season is over. Since most of you were either a) here to enjoy most of these events, or b) around to hear about them, I’ll just give a rundown of the highlights for those who missed out on the fun.

- News Years saw me spewing an apparent 4 times (I’m counting trips, not separate heaves) but was sober before 11pm. I’d like to credit George Harrison’s spirit for that since I rose from the table and demanded to begin dancing when “I got My Mind Set On You” started playing at the Mod Club. I have no memory of leaving my house, locking the door, checking my coat or actually getting to the Mod Club, but if I’m not going to remember something, it may as well be the filler. I blame and empty stomach and a rousing game of drinking “War” with Shane. And yes. I won the game. - A new trend emerged in the playing of random and awful songs (read: totally awesome power ballads and other crap) at the Beer Station. Thanks to a well-spent $2 I dedicated some Wham!, Foreigner, and possibly Journey to Eve and Shane. I can’t even remember the parting song we chose as we made our exit. I’m sure the establishment’s patrons new the song by heart on it’s 5th playing. Sure, it doesn’t compare to 4 in a row of “Lady in Red,” but I hope this is a trend that continues in Aught Sept.
- The concert season kicked off with Emily Haines on Saturday and I’m getting into the swing of things in the next month or so with free shows of Mobile, Elliot Brood, New Pornographers, and Sloan, and the much delayed Scissor Sisters show, Midlake, and am feverishly awaiting sales of the Kaiser Chiefs show.

- Aught Siete also gave us a visit from Natalie which resulted in some awesome shopping and dancing, as well as the discovery that CDs are on average $10 cheaper at Criminal Records than they are at HMV which bodes well for the stockpiling.
- After pitchers at the Beast, we entertained suggestions for the new Word O’ the Year. Since Aught Six’s “Wang” has now been officially retired, a front runner emerged on suggestion from Mr. McNeil: “Goodies.” We tried it out, put it to use and it has since proven most useful in it’s aptness. Aught Sieben welcomes you, “Goodies,” and wishes you the best.

- Also after several trial runs including flirtation with “Charles Darwin” and “Buster Keaton,” the cat’s name is officially Merv Griffin impending further rebuttal. Like the real Merv Griffin, I hope my Griffin becomes a game show mogul.
- New characters and identities were found for our fellow patrons of the Dance Cave and the Mod Club. Pajamma Man’s name is actually Enzo, we also started a new game called “Find Eve’s boyfriend” which is self-explanatory. There were also several skanks to be pointed out, a Samoan, “Shane’s Son,” Rivers Cuomo, Cleft-chin man, leftovers from the WWF including a man with a mink which resulted in the new mink dance.

- Also of note was Christmas which brought me books, music, and DVDs and Boxing Day which resulted in more of the same.

- We also had Lauren’s potluck which provided us with a few good rounds of the old standard “Fuck You” with some new twists for categories: Famous Theologians, Famous Peters, more pirated accents, and perhaps the most unique, the “end every sentence with a Barry Gibb orgasm” (which doubled in hilarity when it was a Barry Gibb pirate orgasm.)

I’m slowly uploading pictures online for y’all and will email the link out shortly. I got sidetracked by an iTunes overhaul which was more fun than anyone should have. But be patient my pets and a link will come.
And I think it’s apt to say a good time was had by all.

“And the beat's so loud, deep inside”

Best Mod Clubbing/Dance Caving Songs of Late:

Over and Over- Hot Chip
Around the World- Daft Punk
Tear You Apart- She Wants Revenge
Sexyback- JT
Boys & Girls- Blur

“That's a chance you take, when the heat's on you”


At 5:12 p.m., January 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys SO have to take me to Dance Cave when I get back this summer...or I may have to kill you. Hope you have a great Aught the way, where'd you learn German?

At 9:55 a.m., January 09, 2007, Blogger Rachel said...

Years of 'Reach for the Top' trivia in high school have given me a wealth of knowledge of numbers in foreign languages


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