“we've got eyes that leave us in places we don't see”
-Handjobs for the Holidays, BSS
Yay Christmas! Okay, so I can’t believe Christmas is already over. Maybe the 5 degree temperature and green lawns threw me off a bit. But sure enough, here I am back at work already, with an armload of DVDs and books, asking myself if Christmas really did happen. I only escaped with 3 GIANT pairs of underwear from my Grandma this year, and that my friends, is an improvement. And to the U2 collection goes the book U2 by U2, and the new DVD and CD. The rest fall between DVDs, CDs, books, and random things like an external harddrive for my computer so I can finally look at my pictures from Japan. You know that that hard drive is just going to be filled with movies and music soon enough.
“has it brought you closer to this?”
4 days at home without much to report (except the abundant number of grey squirrels in my backyard. How the tables have turned). Boxing day shopping, although fruitful, was no where near previous years’ extravaganza’s. With the exception of Brokeback Mountain for $5.99- why not?- I didn’t really pick up anything else of note.
On the other hand, there is a 90% chance I will have a cat by Friday. Being incredibly sad and mopey around the house without a feline companion, my mom took me to get a cat on Christmas Eve. Although the human society has this big, “no adoption fee” campaign over the holidays, they don’t allow you to buy a cat between the 22nd and the 26th of December. So we looked at them through the glass and I wanted them all. There are two in contention as my new pet, so if my mom manages to snag one for me today and bring it to Toronto on Friday, I will be catless no more. The only thing that caught me off guard is that they are female cats. The thought never occurred to me that I could have a lady cat, so I’m fresh out of girl names for furry beasts. The two contenders are currently named Sabrina which would not work because my roommates’s name is Bryna (that and I don’t want a cat named Sabrina). The other one is called Bea. As in bea Arthur which would probably stick as a name. They are both pretty and fluffy so I need a nice name not Helga or Agnes. (Update: Sabrina was adopted, due to a mad rush to petSmart this morn which saw 5 kitties adopted in 3.5 hrs. Might be time to swing by the HUmane Society on Friday instead)
This is the part where I am opened to suggestions in case a female shows up at my house. Something original that doesn’t exist in the family of pets for far, lilely named after a character from film or literature, or an actor (a la Tony Danza). And soemthign that I will want to say on a daily basis for the next 15 years.
Top contenders include:
Kelly (as in Saved by the Bell)
Scarlett O’Hara (or after my girlfriend Scarlett Johansson or the U2 song)
Violet Beauregard
Bowie (after David)
Grizabella (from “Cats”)
Willow (like the dwarf!)
Stella Kowalski (Streetcar Named Desire)
Vivian Leigh
Olive (as in Oyl)
Eleanor (as in “Eleanor Put Your Boots On”, my most hated of Franz Ferdinand songs)
Or something Japanese sounding like Miso.
Ugh, is it Friday yet? Why am I even working 2 days this week?
AND, perhaps the most important point of this blog: our own Loewenstein's band, Carbon Dating Service won the Bucky Award for "Best New Band Name." I'd like to take some of the praise for that by spamming the link via email out to as many people as possible and posting the link on this here blog. Now, i fyou don't believe me (as I am usually not a credible source for information), look here: http://radio3.cbc.ca/ Props to M.Lo. The Hoff would be proud. Scratch that. The Hoff IS proud. Like "Hooked on a Feeling" type of proud in Bail Out proportions.
“it was a curse from before, that's not much at all”
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