“You get confused, But you know it, Yeah, you hurt for it, work for it, love, You don't always show it”
-Discotheque, U2
First up, Happy Birthday to both Sofia (yesterday) and Shane (today) who are now both 24 and old like me. I gave Shane this for his birthday.
Last night Dan and I went for burgers at Rower’s Pub after we wandering down Bloor St. to Bathurst and back, unable to make up our minds as to what we felt like eating. We spent most of the time staring at the world’s largest bee as it buzzed around our beer and feta-topped burgers. After that it was back to the apartment to watch "Law & Order: SVU" (anything for an Ice-T fix!), Star TV, and Jimmy Kimmel. By the end of the night it was just me waiting for my new boyfriends Franz Ferdinand to show up on Kimmel until Carrie-Anne came home to listen to my comments. I never thought sleeping on an IKEA couch could be so fun and comfortable…
“It's not a trick, 'Cause you can't learn it”
Thursday seems to be the night out for the goodbye dinner which encompasses all the people I know in the city. Yup, all 6 of them. It’s to be followed by lunch across town with my former co-workers who have moved over the Telefilm office, rendering me alone and bored at Queen & Church St.
I can’t believe that next week at this time I will be in Japan, probably thinking about all the things I forgot to take with me. I can see it now, “Oh my god! I forgot ‘Achtung Baby!’”or “I didn’t bring any socks!” Guess which one is a bigger concern for me.
“You're looking for the one, But you know you're somewhere else instead”
I also discovered that Sunrise is selling Monty Python-themed toys. The huge nerd in me that grew up surrounded by British humour loves it. I think it’s time to add the Sharp-toothed Rabbit, the stuffed Holy Hand Grenade, and the Beast of Aaaarrrggghhh to my Christmas list.

“You want to be the song, Be the song that you hear in your head”
And now for something completely different:
If My iPod Plays in the Woods and No One is Around to Listen, Does it Make a Sound (5 Songs on Shuffle):
God Part II- U2
What Difference Does it Make- The Smiths
Addicted- Hawksley Workman
Forever- Goldfrapp
Nature Boy- David Bowie
“But you take what you can get, 'Cause it's all that you can find”
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