"I know where you live, yeah, And I wanna live there too"
-I Don't Want to Know, The Donnas
So maybe I'm not going to Montreal afterall: Native protesters have blocked the CN rail tracks and lit bonfires on/around the tracks near Belleville. And it looks like Via is cancelling all trains between Toronto and Ottawa/Kingston/Montreal and replacing them with buses. I'll be damned if I'm going to catch a bus to Montreal at 6:30pm. And I'm not going to have a repeat of the August Black-Out, coincidentally I was also aiming to catch a train when I found out that "trains are runing on time" actually meant that trains were leaving Union Station and sitting on the tracks near Oshawa due to the huge line up. So it seems as though I am destined to spend the weekend in the city with the main probelms being that because Rusty is a carpenter, he doesn't work at home or near a phone, and the other is that I have to go to Union and get a refund. Sigh. So much for a last weekend with the boyfriend before I leave the country.
"I have a shirt that belongs to you, And I use it to guess all the things you do"
Oh well. This will cheer me up- my favourite Hard-Fi song has a new video:
Although the subject isn't that applicable, I'm going to adopt it as my karaoke song, although I doubt that it will ever be offered in a Japanese karaoke bar. So I'll just randomly sing it whenever I see fit.
Dan and I ended up vetoing our free passes for The Sentinel and it sounds like a good thing- I gave my passes to a freind who said it was terrible, although not as bad as you'd think for a movie starring Michael Douglas and Eva Longoria. Only Keifer Sutherland remains unscathed. I'm also coming
And that's pretty much been my day so far: watching the details of the protest unfold and surfing youtube.com for music videos. And making lists whic his directly caused by my findings of an old book of lists and an equally random and humourous "note book" from Martin Landau's film class. I use the term "note book" loosely as notes were never taken unless they were random musings, memories of "Jimmy" and quizzes and lists that Shane and I passed back and forth, in between readings of Entertainment Weekly. I also realized that I have completely forgotten professor Martin Landau's real name. He looks like this (which is coincidentally a picture of Martin Landau) but a little more disgruntled which some would mistake for wisdom or deep thought:

I revamped my celebrity crush list, in no particular order:
Ewan McGregor
Cillian Murphy
Eric Bana
Alex Kapranos
Bono (for nostalgic purposes at this point in time)
This list proves that:
a) I love foreigners
b) I love men in their 30s (okay not Bono, but again, nostalgia for 1993)
Maybe I need an Old Man of my own like Nat.
Today is our weekly trek for $3.99 grilled cheese sandwiches at Eggspectations, so I'd best get a move on.
"I don't wanna know if you don't want me, no"
Haven't popped in for awhile, so this'll be pretty random.
I as well, can not remember Landau's real name... honestly, I racked my brain.
Sorry to hear about the trains... but you've got your priorities in line by choosing what cds to bring WELL in advance. Get the hard part done first.
Henry from Ohio?
Nice 20, overlapped 6 of mine (still trying to get the html to work with my msn space)... surprisingly you had 8 in common with my brother... maybe you should become (sings) "best friends"...
that's all I got for now.
Rusty doesn´t have a cell phone?? What´s with you canadians and your cell-less lives...(sigh) Get with the program like us europeans ;)
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