“She blinded me with science! And failed me in biology”
-She Blinded Me with Science, Thomas Dolby
This post is dedicated to Eve all the way in Japan because my blog amuses her (especially as of late).
So, important question: Do crazy people on the street yell at you in Japan the way they do here? More importantly, do crazy people only yell and interact with me because I look like an inviting target or just because of the area I frequent at work? Although Sharifa wins for best all-time out of the blue crazy person remark.
The scene: Roncesvalles at an outdoor café on the patio.
The incident: While drinking a coffee, Sharfia has a crazy “gentleman” approach her and say “Take off your shoes! I want to see your feet!”
I laugh every time I hear that story because she tells it with a funny accent.
“I can smell the chemicals”
Now I’m not saying that all street people and hobos are crazy, just the ones that gravitate towards me are. And I am mildly amused by it. Because it’s cold out our encounters are less frequent. But last week on the corner of Yonge and Queen, where the best seem to congregate, I was witness to a delusional crazy guy street fight where two guys were trading verbal insults across the street at eachother about something to do with “them” and “abductions” and having to “watch your back before they get you.” I then saw Crazy Guy #2 about 30 minutes later going down the escalator at the subway station, still yelling incoherent things, but this time he was yelling them at no one in particular.
“I can hear machinery”
A guy, whom I don’t think was actually crazy, once offered to buy me as a wife from my parents when I was 12 in exchange for 20 or 40 (? I don’t remember the number) camels when we were in Turkey. I think he may have said I could be his second wife. My parents said no. If you ask my dad, he says it was a hard decision. He likes camels.
“The elements in harmony”
Nayeli, Dan and Sharifa and I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on Friday. The movie was funny but that could have been just because I was with Dan and we usually end up laughing at all movies (See Red Eye, Mona Lisa Smile, etc.). There was this one odd and slightly disturbing scene involving Daniel Radcliffe in the bathtub, which is all fun and games until you realize that you’re watching a 15 year old boy in a bathtub with a dead girl’s ghost…Someone has created a countdown clock until he turns 18.
I’m not sure about that bandwagon yet. It could go either way. He could become hotter (assuming it’s appropriate for a 23 year old to discuss the hotness of a 15 year old) or he could start to look more like an owl. Those are the options as far as I can see. Hottie vs. Owl. Time will tell.
Oooh and Ralph Fiennes is so scary in the movie. Especially when he’s in his hybrid “baby” stage. I’ll eventually go see it again I assume.
“All my tubes and wires, and careful notes, and antiquated notions”
That about wraps that up. This has been a nice distraction from my special photocopying assignment for the week. It’s Monday and I’m lazy.
4 days until I’m off to Paris….
OVERRATED: The photocopier. I’ve broken two separate machines today.
UNDERRATED: 60 Minutes. Especially when Bono is on. Like last night.
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