Thursday, November 10, 2005

“I was on my break, you had time to spare, and so we tried to talk. Or maybe just sit.”
-So New, Cillian Murphy

Today has been a day of lists at work in while I recover from this never-ending cold that I’m not able to shake.

Started by looking at Premiere magazine’s “50 Greatest Movie Stars of All-Time.” I usually trust Premiere. They know what’s going on. It’s not like they’re People or US Weekly. But I have a few bones ot pick with their list, which you can find here.

“I turned to wave to you, and then you started to smile, but it was stolen away by some devil inside of you.”

First up, what spell were the editors under to place Tom “I love couch jumping and impregnating fertile virgins with future Scientologists” Cruise at number 3? And Julia Roberts at number 7? WTF? I can’t even name a Julia Roberts movie that I’ve (a) enjoyed (b) sat through without making smug comments about her giant mouth or poor acting skillz (see Mona Lisa Smile which Dan and I tore apart, but for real, not in a fun way like we did for Red Eye) and (c) seen of my own free will. The only good movie that she’s in is possibly The Player, but she has a 30 second cameo, not quite long enough to ruin it.

“'Cause things look beautiful when they're away from you, things look beautiful when it's so new. And things look beautiful when they're away from you.They seem to stay away from you”

And as Shane was so kind to point out, because I had missed it, Charlie Chaplin isn’t even on the list. Instead, Denzel Washington weaseled his way on instead of Morgan Freeman, Kevin freakin’ Spacey and a slew of others like Ralph Fiennes. Not to mention that Marlon Brando places damn high on the list. Even Doris Day made the list. Premiere has reached a new low. They might as well have added Hillary Duff. Chewbacca has more range.

And then I once again glanced over the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die list and crossed off Captain Blood which I watched last night. And then I updated my list of DVDs I own. It’s what I do. I know it’s bizarre, but I need my lists.

“The island boat's so slow, We heard the Monkees on the radio, the only song you know”

I also watched Disco Pigs which may be one of my new favourite movies. It’s weird and I love it. I’m going to force everyone to watch it this weekend and then find a copy to purchase myself until I find something else to obsess upon. It’s where my song of the day comes from. Random obsessions are also why I end up woith movies like Kuffs and October Sky in my collection. But I have the feeling that I'll still like Disco Pigs when the dust settles.

“Am I lying to you still? I can't move I miss you so much..I miss you so much”

And I’m angry about last night’s episode of “Lost.” And the lack of pie at home. But on a good note, the song that Nayeli and I could never remember because we were always drunk when we heard it is Reptilia by The Strokes (I had guessed it was by The Strokes in the first place). We’ll be back out tomorrow night so hopefully I’ll remember the song for then. And we’re going to see the horrible Body Works display on Saturday at the Science Centre. I hope I don’t pass out like Dirk or throw up if I’m hung over. I do hate plasticized bodies and all…working in cemetery is all fun and games but the plastic bodies will give me nightmares like the puppet wolves…

Stretched beside a pond, you look long and lovely, like I remember you.”

OVERRATED: Premiere magazine. 1000 monkeys typing on 1000 typewriters would make a better list. Although I have a feeling there’d be a lot of chimp references on it, like King Kong and Bonzo, Mark Walhberg, and the like.
UNDERRATED: Entertainment Weekly. They love lists and they’re good at it.

“I was tryin’ to fix this loss, I've given up.”


At 2:16 a.m., November 12, 2005, Blogger Clara said...

If only you knew how much I miss hanging out with you my dear. I love reading your goofy entries. There are few people in this world that have your sense of humour and my god do I ever miss it. There can be no Japanese equivalent. You should be proud! I cant wait to see you in December. 45 more days to go.. yes I miss home.


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