“Leave the boredom behind, Wanna see those bright lights, Get this thing in gear”
-Tied Up Too Tight, Hard-Fi
I’m very tired.
So much going on this weekend. Friday was “Let’s get drunk and go dancing” night. So we did that. Nayeli and I met up with Dirk and Shane at Dirk’s house. Drank lots of beer, a little bit o’ Boone’s Sangria (just me), and then more beer. We also ate a plate of pastrami. On it’s own. With the beer. We then headed out to Dance Cave on foot, the best way to get there since it allows you to drink more beer in Christie Pits. Nayeli’s asthma was bothering her so the Mexican left early. Musical highlights included that clapping song that Nayeli and I can never remember because we’re always drunk when we hear it, “Do You Want To?” and I vaguely remember falling on the floor with Dirk after some dancing went awry. Shane and I parted ways from Dirk and his lady friend and made it to the bus. It was like walking into an open casting call for Top Gun: The Musical. 3 dudes were singing “You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling” circa 2:45am. The then took requests and sang “Bohemian Rhapsody”…much to everyone’s delight. I’ve been told I’m somewhat more mean when I’m drunk but I don’t remember shoving too many people or telling anyone off. I do remember giving the “Tim Robbins” to the DJ but I can’t remember why…oh yeah…He played Prodigy. Shudder. Horrible memories of my grade 10 boyfriend…
“Oh where I come from, I just don't conform, Get me out of here!”
Saturday: Rudely awakened by the vacuum at 12:30pm. Stumble into living room with Nayeli. Watch Entrapment on TBS. Half-assed clean my room and chat with Mairin and Eve. Decided to go see Jarhead with Nayeli for some post-drinking recovery with Peter Sarsgaard, a cure-all for all life’s ills. We liked the movie. Irrelevant highlight: The Sars dancing. Even Jerk Gyllenhaal gave a good performance. Really different for both of them. I don’t think I’d buy it or even see it again, but good nonetheless. And here’s a picture of 2 Gyllenhaals and a Sarsgaard from here. I actually think the heart is meant to be about the puppy, but we can pretend it’s for Peter and his beard. And I like how Peter is the only one who doesn't look impressed by the dog.

We then went to Swiss Chalet, walked all the way up Yonge St, stopping at HMV, Sunrise, and Sam the Record Man. We then went up to Bloor to the Sunrise and HMV there but they had just closed. It’s what we do. I was good. I didn’t buy anything. Nayeli however…
We then came home and declared it Franz Ferdinand Day which has since overlapped into Franz Week. It all started innocently enough with the viewing of the “Do You Want To” video and progressed to all of their videos plus live performances. Then I remembered that I had their performance taped from the 2005 Grammys (THIS is why I tape everything!), then the 2004 MTV Europe Awards. All this while discussing the rampant hotness of lead singer Alex Kapranos. Gave that up for a while until I remembered that I also taped them on "SNL" 2 weeks earlier. More Alex Kapranos discussion followed. And then we capped off the night with 28 Days Later because it’s always good to end the night with Cillian Murphy and some British zombies.
“Tell me can you feel it, Feel the city breathing, Feel its beating heart”
Sunday: Nayeli and I woke up early to go to IKEA for the delicious $1 breakfast. We took this shuttle made out of wood from the Subway station. One of my favourite hobbies is making up IKEA names for things. I would have called this wooden bus Flöorg. After our tour of Swedish design, we headed downtown to the other HMV. Then we went to Sunrise. Then we went to the mall and went to the other HMV. Then we went to Music World. Then I bought Batman Begins. We technically weren’t looking for anything. I was looking for the Hard-Fi CD Stars of CCTV, but no one had it. It’s my new favourite. I was carrying this ridiculous umbrella with kittens all over it because it was pouring rain in the a.m. I discretely ditched it in the anime DVD section of one of the HMVs. We went home and we watched Batman (perfect except for Katie Holmes), went out for Greek food with my mom, came back and watched more TV. A good weekend.
I have pictures so maybe I’ll upload them tomorrow.
“No superstition, Just cold ambition”
OVERRATED: The 2 disc Batman Begins DVD> I didn’t buy it because I really don’t need to spend and extra $8 on the making of the batmobile.
UNDERRATED: $1 IKEA breakfasts. So cheap and so tasty. And you didn’t have to put it together yourself, unlike my lamp which I tried to put together using a knife as a screwdriver to no avail.
“It's time to make a mark, You get your boots on”
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