“You were always late but you always had a story, But that's not over wait!”
-New Fellas, The Cribs
I should really break this entry up into 2 posts, but I like multi-tasking and killing two birds with one stone. I’ll break it up with pictures…
Friday night brought yet another karaoke outing (my new

After 2 hours of karaoke and unlimited drinks we went for ramen noodles, the Japanese equivalent of hangover food like poutine or shwarmas (or in my case, Eggs Benedict).
“What's the point in compromise? Get your dignity and leave Don't be too abstract though”
Eve and I braved the 4 hour us ride to Tokyo (for $50 round-trip, I’m not complaining) for some shopping in Harajuku. Of course, it had started pouring rain by the time we emerged from the subway as dozens of soaking wet Japanese and tourists crammed into the entrance of every store. Braving the rain with our umbrellas we set out shopping.

We didn’t manage to buy anything although I did run across some awesome buttons of U2 and one of Charlie Chaplin (to go with our sweet Modern Times drinking glasses picked up from the dollar store). We went to Shibuya crossing, which is the most crossed intersection in the world. It’s unbelievable until you’re in there- it’s like a concert at the ACC just let out, but every red light. I don’t know where all these people are coming from or where they’re all going but it’s insane. We went to Shibuya because I demanded that we go to HMV (disappointing) and Tower Records (awesome).
We then had to meet Eve’s Japanese “boyfriend” Yuchio for dinner. Then he took us on a walking tour of Shinjuku which is run by the mafia and therefore un-welcoming before heading to club central in Roppongi. I also took a picture of a sign that said "No corpses in lockers" which didn't turn out.

Roppongi is AWFUL. I’m not a club-kid to begin with, and obviously I’m not expecting a Dance Cave or Zaphod’s equivalent, but when you hear 4 different Black Eyed Peas songs in 90 minutes at the same club, there’s a problem. Within 15 minutes I knew it was going to be a long night. The good news is that the only club that charged a cover was only $10 and it included 2 free drinks (Tom Collins!). We ended up at 6 bars between 10:30pm and 5am. I only mildly enjoyed one of them called Motown, but the highlight of the night was Summer of ’69, so you can see exactly what kind of night I had. This Motown place also had Marvin Gaye records on the wall and wallpaper of motown album covers. I’m not sure whether this made me happy since there were Marvin Gaye records on the wall which means that at least they know who he is here, or if it angered me because there were Marvin Gaye records on the wall for people to scribble all over- Which they did as the entire place was covered with “Lenny from Chicago” or “Sven from Sweden” on all the walls, the lampshades, the bar, the table, etc.
On the plus side of the night, Donna somehow managed to convince 2 different bar owners at 2 separate clubs to give the group of 9 of us free shots…and not just a plain shot of tequila or rum, but fancy shooters. I also did something that I have never done before- I fell asleep at a bar. Somehow between all the bass of some awful hip hop song, I managed to fall asleep. I wasn’t even drunk (3 drinks and 2 shots over 6 hours barely affects me as someone who occasionally down entire bottles of Alize straight for Forsey parties and the like). So after sleeping between 4:45 and 5am, (Eve also fell asleep for a good 30 minutes or more) we wandered out into full-blown daylight. It seems the sun rises here sometime round 4:30 am.
After a delicious McDonald’s pancake meal ($3) we wandered across town to the train station parking lot to wait for our bus where we all fell asleep in the parking lot.
Coming back to Fukushima after a night in Tokyo is somewhat refreshing because they are total opposites. Of course since Fukushima was small town, we did manage to stumble into 3 people we knew on the 15 minute walk home from the station, tired, and gross. We also had to turn down an invitation to jump on a trampoline because we were so exhausted and decided to stay home and watch The Beach.
The most exciting part of the weekend was the vending machine I found that sells hot french fries.

And I have discovered more things I love about Japan: butter filled raisin rolls and the local grocery store often plays muzak versions of both the theme from Indiana Jones and Beverley Hills Cop. Nothing beats shopping for milk to the muzak version of “Let’s Hear it For the Boy” from Footloose either. So if anyone actually makes it out to Japan, I will bring you grocery shopping instead of going to Roppongi (unless you want to be tortured).
“I missed what we're discussing”
Top 5 Songs to Listen to after a Night of Torture in Roppongi (aka the “Make it All Go Away” Mix):
I Want to Hear What You Got to Say- The Subways
Seven Nation Army- The White Stripes
You’re a Runner and I am My Father’s Son- Wolf Parade
This Fire- Franz Ferdinand
Lover I Don’t Have to Love- Bright Eyes (fave song of the moment)
“To me it means nothing”
wow. those antics are much, much more exiting than the fact that i bought a new bike this weekend.
props for using the term "new friend" ;)
I've totally adopted "New Friend" for everyone I've met here.
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