“I'm so glad I've found this, I'm so glad I did”
-Munich, Editors
So I’m almost a week into my new Japanese experience, and everyday, I’m finding another reason why I like Japan.

A also discovered that the bowling alley has what I believe to be my favourite arcade game, (although I have never actually played it, it just look amusing)- You have two drum sticks and have to beat the drum in time with the screen as it yells things at you in Japanese and magical creatures dance about on the screen. I’ve already made Eve swear that she will play it so we can make asses of ourselves before I leave Japan.

Another awesome discovery about Japan is that (obviously) sushi is very cheap. Of course a jar of Skippy peanut butter will cost you $5, rows ad rows of rolled sushi is $3. And I cannot describe the deliciousness. Of course, I also discovered another wonderful thing – pre-sliced Kraft cheese. Those Japanese are so efficient!
“You'll speak when you're spoken to”
More good news abounds since I have a job interview scheduled for next week. Not bad after having been here 7 days. It’s for a company that wants part-time English teachers to attend student parties that they hold on weekends and national holidays for the home and private schooled students. So for $30 an hour, plus travel time, I’m game to chat it up with some 3-15 year olds at parties on weekends for a few hours.
I’m thinking of heading over to Sendai for some shopping today. It’s about an hour away by train and a $15 round trip. Apparently it’s where the best shopping is. I went there with Eve’s mom on the weekend, but feel like there is more shopping to be done other than HMV. But for now, I’m lazy and I’m waiting for the iPod to charge, so we’ll see. There is a store called “Happy Days.” And you guessed it, there is a picture of The Fonz on the sign. So if anything, I clearly need to return to take a picture of the sign.
“It breaks if you don't force it, It breaks if you don't try”
There is an elementary school a few blocks away that has a marching and. They’re outside practicing daily, and I guess today is the big student parade through the streets. But that’s nothing compared to the random “concert” I saw downtown on Saturday: A Japanese band performing ABBA and other ‘70’s gems.
So this weekend brings Eve and New Australian friend Donna for a night partying in the Roppongi section of Tokyo and some massive shopping in Harajuku. We’ve decided to go hard-core and arrive in Tokyo in the afternoon for shopping, and then spend all night partying, just to get on a bus to come back to Fukushima at 9:20am. We’ll see how utterly exhausted we all are and if I managed not to fall down some stairs and/or offend large quantities of Japanese people.
“With one hand you calm me, With one hand I'm still”
so i'm guessin this one's for your typical, demented, offensive West-ian adventurs and the other blog is for yur family...
well played (which likely can not be said about you and bowling). hy did we never think to take Dirk bowling?
On another note, now that I suddenly have free time and internet access (for the time being) in melbourne, how much does it suck that everyone at home is asleep through most of the day?
Anyway, live the dream... "lost in translation" style.
If I come over, I promise to do Elvis Costello in karaoke, Bill Murray-style.
in addition... i'd like to blame all my typos on this laptop.
What's your excuse for poor grammar and spelling (being, as it is, your pet peeve)?
I am also blaming poor typing, spelling and grammar on Eve's laptop as well as the knowledge that this fickle internet connection could log me off at any second. This whole act involves me holding the laptop in various positions trying to keep the internet signal alive.
Hmmm let's retool "That's Our Dirk" to "Bowling with Dirk" where you too can bowl your cares away with Dirk.
And it also kind of sucks that everyone in current time zone is at work during the day...
And everytime I see a sign for Suntory whisky (which is quite often given Japan's love of the booze...and also of Boone's which I purchased), I channel my inner Bill Murray and remember that it's "Suntory time"
i'll tell you why we never went bowling with dirk, beyond the obvious concerns around wrist-sprains, bum knees, and subsequent trips to the ER.
the last time we attempted group-bowling was when shane and i needed to get out of the house for sublet-related reasons. shane, myself, DBL M, the Turk, and Becca ventured out to do some glow bowling. becca didn't want to go, citing 'a brutal day', but we insisted it would lift her spirits.
so we went bowling, along with a lot of 13-year-olds. the turk slayed, the rest of us sucked, and becca actually wept due to mad gutterballz. she literally had a gutterball every time. it turns out melda was actually a junior turkish bowling champion. it was generally a terrible night.
and we never went bowling again.
i love the Westian adventures.
also, that bowling with Dirk story was actually the funniest thing i've ever read. i'd like to add that if I ever get to go bowling with y'all, i'll be in the gutter, though probably not crying about it...just drinking instead.
and Rach, we must find a way to get DW to stick to his blogging - he seems to have jumped "Ship". oh, i slay me.
what is so funny about peace love and understanding?
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