"The glove compartment is inaccurately named, and everybody knows it"
-Title and Registration, Death Cab for Cutie
It's hard to believe that I've only been in Japan for 2 weeks...it feels like I've been here so much longer. Rusty will actually be here in 2 weeks and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet since there's still things that I haven't worked out and am not prepared to give someone else a tour of Japan like I'm some kind of expert. I still can't figure out how to use the phone here and I refuse to buy a cell phone (pretty much the only person in Japan without one).
"...and now that it's gone just like it wasn't there at all"
I may have also overcome a huge hurdle in convincing Eve to come with me to the 3 day Fuji Rock Festival now that The Strokes and The Raconteurs have been added to the line-up. I'm playin gthe "You Owe Me After that Night in Roppongi" card. Then again, I'd go by myself anyway, but who really wants to be the weird girl who shows up to a 3 day festival alone?

Job interview this afternoon. it sound slike I already have the job which is swell. It basically works out to be a freelancing english teaching thing with me choosing which weekends I want to work at kids' parties as both PR for the company and as a real live foreigner to help them practice their english skillz through games, etc. Basically 7 hours of work gets me $200, food, and they pay for my hotel if I need it and my travel expenses. Sound sweet. Hopefully I can pull off the fake "I heart kids (not V.D.)" act long enough. Maybe I'll come out of this really loving children and wanting some of my own.........yeah insert laughter here as we all know I haven't a mothering bone in my body and would sooner have a pet troll who clubs people with bones than a child.

I have to find a bike this weekend. Hopefully from one of the many bike depositories around the city under overpasses, etc. I don't feel like paying $10 for a bike and registration. But I'm also nervous because the other foreigners have been getting stopped by the police and being asked about their bike registration and do they know Yoshi, or Sumie, or Miho and why are they riding their bikes, etc. We'll see. New Friend Leslie spun off on some story in broken Japanese about what songs she likes to sing at karaoke and they let her go, so I may try that trick if I get stopped.
Top 5 Songs to Prep for a Job Interview:
Blood on Our Hands- Death from Above 1979
Helicopter- Bloc Party
Number 1- Goldfrapp
Me and My 4 24- John Vanderslice (in honour of the recent May 2-4)
Start Wearing Purple- Gogol Bordello
PS> I have told Eve that she needs to update her blog, but she laughed at me, so don't hold your breath.
"all night, when I'm lying awake at night "
If there were a committee for writing Eve off as a lost cause communication-wise, I'd have been its chairman long ago.
I was gonna comment on your other post, but I read both of these concurrently, and, well, I like beating Lauren to the punch.
As I was scrolling down, I thought that samurai statue was an actual statue of Yoda.
Let Rusty tour Japan on his own... I promise it'll be funnier that way. As long as you know the cool stuff for the time I get down there (if I can, in fact, afford it).
I'm liking the Top 5 theme. As much as I love lists, I haven't the patience to think up a new theme and have trouble maintaining ym own top 5 tracks thread every 2 weeks or whatever it is.
If and when you figure out how to use a cell phone we can commence hilarious text message threads a la Landau's class.
I still can't remember Landau's real name.
I saw a CD called "David Hasselhoff sings America" in a second-hand store the other day that includes "New York, New York", "Isla Bonita" (remember Julia singing that in 1st yr. and how awful it was? I do.) and (wait for it) "Rhinestone Cowboy".
In fact there was a lot about Julia that was awful.
That's all I got for now. Time for me to... BAIL OUT!
beating me to the punch, nothing. i would have posted first but SOME of us have jobs and can't just travel around the world checking blogs all day now can we?
yay for tops 5s. yet another genius blog idea i stole. originality is overrated.
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