Friday, July 21, 2006

"But, it's always for the best, And if you're not convinced, Then you'll get left behind, I lost interest "
-Raoul, The Automatic

Since it's still raining in Fukushima (that's over 5 days straight and counting) I was happy to have a package arrive in the mail from home. And just to prove how well my parents know me, they sent me the following:

One pair of shoes so I can wear them and ruin them at Fuji Rock if it's still raining next week.
One issue of People magazine.
One copy of The National Enquirer. Sample headline: "Star Jones' Revenge!!"
One copy of The Examiner. Sample headline: "Hilary Clinton's Gay Crisis"
One copy of the free magazine they give out in case I want to read about the risks of osteoporosis?
One issue of the Weekly World News, sent to me for it's connections to So I Married An Axemurder. Sample headline: "Alien Super-Men Target Earth!", "Man Hasn't Slept in 22 Years!", and "the Secrect Life of Bees!" And yes. everything does have an exclamation mark.
I also got a pack of Twizzlers and some taffy.

"It doesn't seem like you mean it I don't believe, that you believe it"

There's not much to do in the rain, so at least now I'll have plenty to read and this trash will balance out my Russian literature reading. I've also taken to watching Deliverance just to see Burt Reynolds canoe down a river in a tight leather vest while he battles with rednecks- God's Forgotten Creatures.
Eve and I keep getting visits by beetles. I don't know where they are coming from, but there is currently one living in our "shoe pit" area by the door. I refer to him as Paul McCartney in conversation. Y'know he's the cute one. I killed Ringo with Eve's slipper last week.

Tonight is Donna's farewell party, so you know wine will be involved. And that means hilarious, madcap adventures will follow!

"And it feels like running with your eyes closed, If you forget what you're supposed to be "


At 6:23 p.m., July 23, 2006, Blogger Lauren said...

Pregnant man gives birth. That's a fact.


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