"Tuesday is Soylent Green Day!"
This is actually true, since I just finished watching the cinematic masterpiece that is Soylent Green and it is in fact, Tuesday.
Now I realize that the majority of you reading this have not been fortunate enough to have seen Soylent Green (I just know that Shane has and this post is pretty much going to paraphrase everything I sent to you in the post-Soylent email). But this is an excuse for me to create a highlight list of the notes I took during the movie. Yes, I took notes for both posterity reasons, hilarious discussions, and obsessive list-making reasons. I can guarantee you will like it (okay, that's a lie. I know Mairin will like it...Can't vouch for anyone else) but it's in the vein of books like Brave New World (hate it), 1982 (love it), and The Giver (meh). Until you expand your mind by watching the futuristic- it's set in 2022!- Soylent Green you are missing out on:
1. The scoops- bulldozer/dumptrucks that scoop people up during riots and then dump them into the back of the truck. The scoops also have mad people crushing skillz.
2. Charlton Heston's high-waisted pants or, "slacks" if you will.
3. Heston's use of a rusty knife to stab someone named Tad. To steal Shane's appropriate stabbing song, "Nothin' beats the hobo life..." Indeed.
4. The fight scenes- the sound is off, it's all over dramatized, and there are several instances where women get slapped around. It's all in good fun.
5. The quotes. I don't even know where to begin. A smattering of samples so when you hear them used in conversation, you can play along:
"But today is Tuesday!"
"I'll rub you down afterwards"
And in your best gruff, Charlton Heston, gun lovin' growl:
"Get me some booze!"
"Have some Soylent Green and calm down!"
And I leave you with the best of the best, "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!"
And it certainly is delicious.
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