“October…and the trees are stripped bare of they wear, What do I care?”
-October, U2
Let us welcome October with the album October and Adam Clayton who was rocking the blonde afro in 1981. It was a very good year. Way to look sullen.
Not much new and exciting over the weekend. Just a little excessive shopping and drinking, but that’s par for the course.
Had some high school friends come and visit me in the city which is where we had our shopping extravaganza in Kensington Market, the Eaton’s Centre, and (shudder) Honest Ed’s.
“October, and kingdoms rise…”
Where do I begin to describe Honest Ed’s?
I had never been in this fabled store before and hopefully I will never have to again. It’s ass if BiWay and Bargain Harolds mated and gave birth to a Giant Tiger which then threw up Honest Ed’s. For example, one can purchase a lacquered desk pen set with a holographic Toronto skyline circa 1992, a twig encrusted crucifix, VHS tapes like “Ruskies,” “Basil,” and other forgotten gems, sweaters for .99¢ (straight off the runway!), hair tonic, and the dreaded “meat” department which was really the basement and where I dared not to go. All the while we were under the watchful eye of signed photos of the stars of yesteryear, most of which we couldn’t identify. And for 2 former film students and pop culture junkies, that’s quite a feat.
I also saw the most grotesque cuckoo clock on the face of the earth. It puts Swiss clockmakers to shame. Watch this space for the pictures. Thankfully, I had my camera with me to document the monstrosity. I should have taken a picture of the .99¢ sweaters so you too could behold their beauty.
“…and kingdoms fall…”
The weekend also featured a house party at casa Dirk. I brought the roomies Leanne and Sharifa with me where we ate lots of candy in Dirk’s room, and drank “sangria” which at one point consisted of fruit, vodka, cooking wine, Sprite, and beer. Probably one of the reasons that Leanne because obsessed with the tiny hand reflection from the mirror in the bathroom…
We then proceeded to go to Revival with some dudes that Leanne had met the night before. One was a whiner who Sharifa and I ditched and headed into the club. Revival was an awful experience this time around, which always happens when you bring a friend who has never been. It was crowded and full of drunk frat boys who were more interested in going home with themselves than paying any attention to the ladies.
High/lowlight of the night was when this guy spotted my Clash t-shirt, came over and said, “Hey, you like The Clash?” I said yes. Then he said, “Who are they anyway? Are they the ones that sing that song where they run around in the video dressed as food?” I scoffed at him and turned my back on his ignorance. And I can only imagine that he was somehow confusing The Clash with Good Charlotte and that video where they run around dressed like food. For shame.
Next weekend looks more promising as it involves turkey and a trip to Thorold, “Where the Ships Climb the Mountain.”
OVERRATED: Pretty boys. Yeah, you heard me. All style and no substance. If you want to argue, I’ll just remind you that one of them confused The Clash with Good Charlotte. Good Charlotte! As if Joe Strummer would ever date old horse face Hilary Duff.
UNDERRATED: Sangria. Throw whatever you want in a pot, add some fruit, and voila, sangria! It’s no Boone’s, but it’ll do.
I also got to chat via webcam with my girl in Japan, Eve. I'll get my retro webcam up and running again soon...
“But you go on…and on”
(I realized after I chose this song that there’s only 4 lines of lyrics to it)
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