"Love to eat turkey, 'cause it's good..."
-Thanksgiving Song, Adam Sandler
Happy Thanksgiving/Turkey Day!
In honour of the freezing temperatures (okay, 12 degrees C, isn't really cold, I don't even wear a coat. Come April that's practically balmy spring weather) but it's cold in the house and the heat doesn't get turned on until Oct. 15th. And I'm too lazy/fire hazaard-prone to get the fireplace going.
Here are some pictures that we took with Eve's camera in August (you remember August right? So long ago, but so many good tines).

The Mexican has gone to Mexico and I am all alone....but soon she'll return for Franz Ferdinand!

There's nothing I love more than a 4 day work week, except perhaps, a 3 day work week...
Thanksgiving brought lovely conversation about airports of the world. The best sleep I ever had in an airport was in Barcelona. I know there's a website that rates airports on their sleep-a-bility factor, I should check out what they thought of Barcelona. I'm undecided on Frankfurt. It was complicated to switch from Air Canada to Lufthansa and vice versa what with elevator rides, an escalator, and a never ending underground tunnel made of corrugated metal and lights that changed from pink to blue. it went on for miles. I'd hate to be transferring to another flight with a limited time to make it there. So complicated. And that creepy tunnel. I had a nightmare about it once. it was like something out of Brazil (the movie, not the country) or worse, The Island. I also give props to the Marco Polo airport in venice for it's lovely waterfall and it's fun to load your luggage onto a boat. And as you drive away in the water taxi, the planes are landing over your head.

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