“Think I'll go home and mull this over, before I cram it down my throat, at long last it's crashed, the colossal mass has broken up into bits in my moat”
-Caring is Creepy, The Shins
Ralph Fiennes: Why do I love thee? Let me count the ways…
It seems my high school crush on Ralph Fiennes has not totally worn off, but then, they never really do, do they? (Actually I guess they do in real life when I think back to ex boyfriends and such.)
Went to see The Constant Gardener last night (also reading the book, but I’m only about 30 pages in). I thought it was amazing. Every time I see Ralph Fiennes I just stare in awe at the talent this man possesses. Incredible film to watch on all fronts: story, acting, cinematography. Really, the only bad thing I can say is that Ralph wears the same washed out pink shirt a tad too much, but that’s not much of a complaint (He wear leather pants for the majority of Strange Days but you don’t hear me complaining). The Constant Gardener is one of the best movies I’ve seen this year. It’s up there in my top five list of the year with Million Dollar Baby, Kinsey, The 40 Year Old Virgin (yeah I know it doesn’t really fit given the other choices), The Island (just kidding), and I can’t really think of anything else to add to the list….
“Hold you glass up, hold it in, never betray the way you've always known it is”
But going back to elementary/high school celeb crushes, I definitely have to say that the feelings for Christian Slater (what have you done to yourself man! You were good once!), Jonathan Taylor Thomas (I was young and foolish), and Mark Paul Gosselaar (Zack Morris on Saved by the Bell…I was attracted to characters who were jerks even back then). And I care less for Jake Gyllenhaal than I used to. But I will always love Bono, mullet and all!
“On rocks I dreamt of where we'd stepped, and of the whole mess of roads we're now on”
Under my guise of cynicism, absurdity, and witty humour, I am also very sad today because Eve is leaving for Japan for a year on Monday. And also because the Garden State soundtrack makes me extra weepy. Today is the last time I will see her for a year (unless I scrape the funds to go and visit which isn’t an unheard of possibility). So we will feast tonight at dinner and I will try not to cry in a public setting as we say our goodbyes. And she promises to upload pictures of us and send them to me so I can post them here….Everyone is leaving me!
“One day I'll be wondering how, I got so old just wondering how, I never got cold wearing nothing in the snow”
Doubly sad is that Kate is also leaving me for Ottawa to start law school (it seems she doesn’t want to work for Famous People Players after all). Now I will have no one to laugh at famous people with, no one to amuse with my rampant fist-shaking, or hilarious proclamations. Example: Last night at the theatre, we spotted a tent to which I heartily exclaimed, “I love tents!” On further inspection it turned out to be a free Frutopia sampling tent to which I then stated that I would dance for free Frutopia samples. I then backed out of that deal because they try to get you hooked on the juice and then they reel you in. Next thing you know, you’re addicted to Frutopia and living on Church street like my friend the crazy homeless guy who loves my shoes.
“Lift the mattress off the floor, walk the cramps off, go meander in the cold”
The good news is that Nayeli is moving in to physically replace Kate in the house, so we will embark on new adventures, just like in the Back to the Future sequel (but not counting the horrid Back to the Future 3 where they go into the Old West).
OVERRATED: Leaving Toronto. I just got here. What gives?
UNDERRATED: Staying in the city to play. I’m an only child who needs attention. And gifts.
“Far above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reason”
Okay, in all seriousness, I’m really happy for my friends who are moving onwards and upwards into new things. And it gives me someone to visit abroad while planning a backpacking trip in Europe/visiting the old ‘hood in Ottawa/maybe I’ll just go to Japan trip.
“This is the way beyond my remote concern of being condescending”
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