Thursday, August 31, 2006

"I married a man he was the plague of my life, And I wish I was single again"
-Single Again, Firey Furnaces

I feel like breaking it down to you in list form.

- The lyrics of the song are true. Not the "I married the bain of my existence" part, but the "single again." I am. And I also like referring to people as plagues. It's the new black.

- I'm leaving for 5 days in Hong Kong Saturday by way of a day in Tokyo to check out the Museum of Western Art. But I'm only really going to the gallery for the food. And I'm only going to HK to pick up Mao memorabilia.

- I need someone to come to Leeds or Reading Festival with me in August of Aught 7. Why am I having such a hard time convincing people? I don't have a job, any money, nor any idea as to where or what I'll be doing in August 2007. I don't even know what I'll be doing in November 2006, but yet I'm all-in to commit to either festival. I know I'm a little off, but I don't think I'm that crazy for jumping into something like this. Besdies, tickets are on a pre-sale now. Who's game?

- I've started applying for random jobs in Toronto. While the legitimate career opourtunities aren't forthcoming in the film and TV industry, I've settled on applying at my 3 favourite stores: HMV, H&M, and Chapters. And Costco. And a random marketing company who already wants to hire me, but I feel it may be too much commitment. And an entry-level position for a travel company whose only requirements were, "experience travelling abroad." Check and mate.

- I've started to ponder how I am going to get my accumulated junk home from Japan. those who know me are well aware of my love of "things" and my pack rat-like nature. I've purchased another suitcase and have begin to squirrel away boxes in case I need to post something home.

- I feel the need, the need for...visiting the UK. Casually checking airline prices and visa requirements, I think I might head over there in the spring and either find a job or hang around travelling. If I'm going to work a dead-end retail job, I might as well be in Scotland. It goes with my whole, "If I'm out of work in Toronto, I might as well be out of work in Japan."

- I've decided I hate the movie Office Space.

- I randomly joined the Official Franz Ferdinand Fan Club. It came with rare vinyl and stickers. So why the hell not. All for the price of two of the world's most delicious sandwiches in London (19 GBP).

- "Reptilia" by The Strokes, "Dancing Shoes" by The Arctic Monkeys, and "Lemon" by U2, may not seem like good karaoke choices, but they are. They also only sound good to the people singing them. We'll test that theory tonight at a goodbye karaoke party for Jason and Leslee who are leaving Fukushima for good this weekend.

- I have exactly 57 hours of "24" to watch before I return home so I can start the 6th season when it begins this Fall.

And, without furthre adieu, I present to you the best titles of actual movies that are on the IMDB's Bottom 100 films list:

5. The Wild World of Batwoman (plot summary: Batwoman and her bevy of Batmaidens fight evil and dance.)
4. Hobgoblins
3. Track of the Moon Beast
2. Monster A Go-go

And, the best and most aptly named movie of all time:

1. Anus Magillicutty
- plot summary: What starts as a simple chore quickly escalades into a darker plot of deceit and revenge where it seems even Satan himself is after Anus.

If only it were available on DVD because you'd all be getting that for Chirstmas.
Surprisingly Bail Out is nowhere nesar the Bottom 100 films. it scored a 4.1/10. Anus Magillicutty could only dream of that rating.

"...and I laughed till I cried to think I was single again"


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