The Adventures of Eve and Rachel in the City
“From the top of the first page, To the end of the last day, From the start in your own way, You just want somebody listening to what you say, It doesn't matter who you are”
-Square One, Coldplay
Okay, so it’s a lot harder than it looks to get decent tickets from scalpers than previously believed.
After meeting up with Eve after a strenuous day at work (insert laughter here), for dinner (@ Hey Lucy, if you care….mmmmm tasty!), we decide to stroll over to the ACC to see how much scalpers are charging for Coldplay tickets. One (1, uno, un, ) single ticklet had appeared on Ticketmaster the day before for $52 (up to $71), so we knew our price ranges going in.
“You're in control, is there anywhere you wanna go? You're in control, is there anything you wanna know?”
Our first guy offered us tickets with a “face value” of $85 for the upper level. The next scalper we ran into, being the blood sucking, lustful creature he is, said he would give two gorgeous ladies like us a “deal” for $300 per ticket. Thanks, but no thanks. According to most leeches selling tickets, a good deal ran about $150 for upper level tickets. And then there was the guy who told us to ask Santa Claus for tickets if we wanted to pay less than $100…
“I need a compass, draw me a map, I'm on the top, I can't get back”
Our Santa dude was also selling suspicious brown Ticketmaster tickets. From someone who either fortunately or unfortunately goes to many a concert with Ticketmaster tickets, knows that they are always a brilliant shade of blue. Or you can always see what the legitimate tickets look like by watching the people in line getting body cavity searched before entering the ACC. There also seemed to be a surplus of young women like ourselves hovering outside the ACC waiting for the scalpers to drop their prices after the show started. We were clearly in a seller’s market. And the scalpers themselves bear striking resemblances to drug dealers, cell phones, pagers, hos, and all.
“Some catapult it fired you, You wonder if your chance will ever come, Or if you're stuck in square one”
Eventually admitting defeat, we left the scalping bonanza and went our separate ways.
All this for a band I’m only mildly interested in and downright despised until the X&Y album. Basically two weeks ago. Thank God I have my U2 tickets (Sept. 14th & 17th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and don’t have to resort to scalpers again. In a related matter, Coldplay made the comment they wanted to be the next U2, but they have a long way to go (hey, Entertainment Weekly agreed with me on that one too. A long waaaaaay to go my friends). Which brings me to the mini list for the day:
OVERRATED: Scalpers. The prey on the weak and feeble with low speed internet connections so they can snap up all the tickets for events before real fans get a chance.
UNDERRATED: The outdoor beer garden at the ACC. Sure we couldn’t get into the beer corral but they had a screen broadcasting the concert to the drunks and the crazy “Jesus Loves You Guy” I nthe parking lot.
And just because I’m rolling with a theme here, the best Coldplay songs on X&Y (I don’t want to hear anything about pre-2005 due to my anti-Coldplay stance in the past. I still hate them pre-Garden State Soundtrack when they were dead to me)
Square One
Speed of Sound
Fix You
White Shadows
“The future's for discovering, The space in which we're traveling”
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